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Novel update .

Jorge A Espinoza Duarte A01561403
Pages: 10-27
Question 1
1. Describe the events that happened in the first section that you read. How did they make
you feel? What is your initial reaction to the novel?
The events described a couple of interesting things in the book, the author starts with the
wrong idea that Americans have of the Iranians, the author says that most Americans believe
that Iranians hate their culture, but that's totally wrong, the Iranians don't hate american
culture they just take the things that suits them, but they don't want to be forced to accept
Americans politics. Then he tell us about that Americans just don't understand iranians, they
don't even have a clue, not even the high leaders in Washington. Iran it's just a complex
country with a lot of secrets and closed to the world, so nobody knows who run the show.
The novel also describes how important is Iraq to the U.S. and how putting away Saddam
maybe was a mistake to the U.S. That's because Iran can and maybe will take iraq, and the
only thing that prevented them from taking was Saddam government and without that Iran, in
the future, can be the most dominant potency of the oil market.
The book make me feel interested in the news of this country and how will the conflict would
end. I think this is a very interesting book because it says a lot of things that I have never
heard before about the situation in the middle east, that maybe somehow affect to us.

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