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Page image
to the My
The main image used for the double Valentine
page spread was
created by lowering the shutter speed album
to delay the light,
causing the faded effect this being inspired by the same
effect used in the album by the album Loveless by My
Bloody Valentine. The colour of the image was also changed
to pink to associate with the colour scheme of the
magazine. These alterations to the image are common in
psychedelic imagery in the way many psychedelic images
(in particular album covers) are images of an altered reality.

The same thought process was applied to

creating the album cover reviewed in the
feature article; the image of a rose (taken
with three reflective pieces of glass placed
in front of the lens to create more colours
in the image) has been altered using a
kaleidoscope effect, typical of psychedelic
imagery, and then altering the colours of
the image even more to further brighten
the colours.

Overall my product uses many

conventional forms of magazines
within itself, however manipulates
these conventions to create imagery
relating to conventional psychedelic
culture, which itself is unconventional
to mainstream magazines and music.

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