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Pioneers of animation

Who is Joseph Plateau?

Joseph Antoine Ferdinand Plateau (14 October 1801 15 September 1883)
was a Belgian physicist. He was the first person to demonstrate the
illusion of a moving image. To do this he used counter rotating disks with
repeating drawn images in small increments of motion on one and
regularly spaced slits in the other. He called this device of 1832
the phenakistoscope.

YouTube Video Of his work
Information on Phenakistoscope
The phenakistoscope used a spinning disc attached vertically to a handle.
Arrayed around the disc's center was a series of drawings showing phases
of the animation, and cut through it was a series of equally spaced radial
slits. The user would spin the disc and look through the moving slits at the
disc's reflection in a mirror. The scanning of the slits across the reflected
images kept them from simply blurring together, so that the user would
see a rapid succession of images that appeared to be a single moving
A variant of it had two discs, one with slits and one with pictures; this was
slightly more unwieldy but needed no mirror. Unlike the zoetrope and its

successors, the phenakistoscope could only practically be used by one

person at a time. The phenakistoscope was only famous for about two
years due to the changing of technology.

Someone talking about and Showing his work

William Horner
William George Horner (1786 22 September 1837) was
a British mathematician; he was a schoolmaster, headmaster and school
keeper, proficient in classics as well as mathematics, who wrote
extensively on functional equations, number theory and approximation
theory, but also on optics. His contribution to approximation theory is
honoured in the designation Horner's method, in particular respect of a
paper in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London for
1819. The modern invention of the zoetrope, under the
name Daedaleum in 1834, has been attributed to him.
Horner died comparatively young, before the establishment of specialist,
regular scientific periodicals. So, the way others have written about him
has tended to diverge, sometimes markedly, from his own prolific, if
dispersed, record of publications and the contemporary reception of them

Video of Zoetrope

A 19th-century optical toy consisting of a cylinder with a series of pictures on

the inner surface that, when viewed through slits with the cylinder rotating,
give an impression of continuous motion.
Who is Emile Reynaud

Charles-mile Reynaud (8 December 1844 9 January 1918) was a French

inventor, responsible for the first projected animated cartoons. Reynaud
created the Praxinoscope in 1877 and the Thtre Optique in December
1888, and on 28 October 1892 he projected the first animated film in
public, Pauvre Pierrot, at the Muse Grvin in Paris. This is also notable as
the first known instance of film perforations being used.
Ryanaud's late years were tragic after 1910 when, his creations outmoded
by the Cinematograph, dejected and penniless, he threw the greater part
of his irreplaceable work and unique equipment into the Seine. The public
had forgotten his "Thtre Optique" shows, which had been a celebrated
attraction at the Muse Grevin between 1892 and 1900. He died in a
hospice on the banks of the Seine where he had been cared for since 29
March 1917.

The praxinoscope was an animation device and the successor to the

zoetrope, It used a strip of images placed around the inner surface of a
spinning cylinder.
Youtube Clip
Eadward Muybridge
Edward James Muggeridge was an English photographer important for his
pioneering work in photographic studies of motion, and early work in motionpicture projection. Muybridge is known for his pioneering work on animal
locomotion in 1877 and 1878, which used multiple cameras to
capture motion in stop-motion photographs, and his zoopraxiscope, a device
for projecting motion pictures that pre-dated the flexible perforated film strip
used in cinematography.

YouTube Video

Thomas Edison
The Kinetoscope is an early motion picture exhibition device. The
kinetoscope was designed for films to be viewed by one individual at a
time through a peephole viewer at the top of the device.

YouTube Video

Lumiere Brothers
Louis Lumire and his brother, Auguste Lumire, invented the
Cinematograph motion picture camera. Louis Lumire worked with his
brother Auguste to create a motion-picture camera superior to Thomas
Edison's kinetograph, which did not have a projector.
The Lumires endeavored to correct the flaws they perceived in the
kinetograph and the kinetoscope, to develop a machine with both sharper
images and better illumination.

YouTube Video

George Pal
George Pal was a Hungarian animator and he was one of the earliest
animators, he got nominated for an academy award. He attempted the
Budapest Academy of Arts and graduated in 1928, at age 20.

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