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OMV Petrom S.A. 2 EP Division Procedure/ Procedura a Divizi Tile! TW Obiectiv’ Elsborat def Contnat werent a ‘Content checked by AAprobat de i E&P PETROM Procedura de predare-primire a amplasamentului pentru lucrarile de constructii/ Handover-takeover procedure for construction works site se adreseari tuturor_persoanelor impleats in procesul de predare-primie @ emplasamentelor in vederea ‘nceperli Nerlr de construchie pent proiectele E&P. Tis procedure Is addressing to aryone Involved In the handovertakeover process for construction sts in order to commence the constuction works fork & P projects Teste me Soin Gb 5 Dumitrescu a thie areyenent wa fais MaREPENES Note Morowse e.t ve tats anager 7 bane aian Vr Ned oo Lue fae Aon Sevier anager_onAvom 1208 Bot readalE &P ropce ner Tmt = TirectorofPMO&OC —_Crlslan Hubath V3 Jo Leendert Leveert 9) I Executive Board Member Executive Bo Johann Peiinger Dat Semoatur Date Signature PE.D.S6.PRO.002.02 ak ob aay 012 Pom NOE Revision: 02 romero construction works site OMV Petrom S.A. Be EP Division Procedure/ Procedura a Diviziei E&P PETROM CUPRINS, TABLE OF CONTENT 1. INTRODUCERE 8 2. ROLURI SI RESPONSABILITATIIN PROCESUL DE PREDARE PRIMIRE A AMPLASAMENTELUI 3 3. PARTICIPANTH LA PREDAREA DE AMPLASAMENT. 3 4. APARATURA TOPOGRAFICA UTILIZATA, 3 5. DESCRIEREA SECTIUNILOR DIN ANEXA 1... 4. INTRODUCTION, 2. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN HANDOVER/TAKEOVER PROCEDURE... 3. PARTICIPANTS TO THE HANDOVER-TAKEOVER PROCEDURE: 4, TOPOGRAPHICAL EQUIPMENT USED.... 5. ANNEX 1 SECTIONS DESCRIPTION. ‘contrueth procedure tor contrstion works site Revision: 02 OMV Petrom S.A. EP Division Procedure/ -P Procedura a Diviziei E&P PETROM 1. Introducere Predarea ample ymentulul este procesul prin care Investitorul/Beneficierul (OMV Petrom SA} preda Companiei de Construct amplasamentul liber de orice bbomele topografice marcate de Compania de Proivctare, in vederea demararii Procesul de predare-primire a amplasamentulul a loc dups ce, in preslabil, 5-0 lor OMY Patrom SA direct Implicati si dupa ce una din solutile propuse de Compania de Pro‘ectare a fost facut recunos rminutioass a terenului in prezanta speci considerata cea mai buna de catre OMV Petrom SA, faza de proiectare a fost executata (onto avizeletpcobarile au fost obtinute iar contractul de executie @ lucrart @ fost atribuit. Procesul prvind predarea-primirea amplasamentuli se desfasoars ate: > Se.tabileste un punct de plecare al participantilor; > Seidentit ete si 3 elerentele caractristice din project (schimbari de drecte,cupla s0.vor preciza observatile, daca exist, cu privie la splcares proiectuli: > Echipa topogiafica a proiectantului preda echipei topografice a constructorul, bo topogratice standard cu documentatiaaferenta; > Dupa incheierea evaluari pe teren a tuturor elomentelor din prot observatile, modificarle ‘aduse proiecului, documentele enexste, coordonatele bomelor, cota reperulul de completarea formularulu (ane 1) In care se mentiones rivolment precum si participant la predaree de amy 2. Roluri si responsabilitati in procesul de predare primire a amplasamentelui ‘Compania de proiectre: > March 328 pe teren Baza de Trasare (minim 3 borne topografice standard, proportional cou suprafataconstuital Toate bomele tebuie a aibe coordonatale topografice trecute PEDSG-PRO.002.02. a OMV Petrom S.A. EP Division Procedure/ Procedura a Diviziei E&P 'e plan sin provesul verbal de predare primire, in STEREO 1970. Bomele tebuie se iba schita de repera| si descrerea topogratica, > Asigura prezenta echipel topogratce la predarea de amplasament; > Raspunde solicitarilor Project Monat rului OMV PETROM de modificare # proiectului > Pentru a sustine aplicabiltatea pe tren a proiectulu intocmit, Compania de Prolectare (prin echips a topogratic are obligatia de # prezenta in teren punctele entice ale proiectului marcate prin tausilplec , sosire, schimberi de dlectie; schimbari de ditectio ax drum ; amplesare platforma de forsl si locatis sondel; amplasare {aciltate,echipamento, sau ato puncte solicitate de beneficiar Compania de Construct: > Asigura prezenta echipel topogratice, atat la primirea amplasamentului cat si pe prioada desfasurarl prolectlul, pentru executares de lucrari topografice specifice (extiicare topogratica, trasere elementelor caracterstce ale prolectuli pe teren, ‘montajechipamente ote.) > Preis Baza de Trasare in vederea executaril calculelor de topografie inginereesca.e tresarii axslor si punctelor reprezentative ale constructei, precum si 2 realizar ratoilor * as built * in Autocad. Echipa topografica are obligatia de a verfica si valids coordonat Proiectare: > In cazul cererlor de modificare aduse Proiectului initial, trbule sa se completeze de bomelor topogratice si sle tarusilor marcati de Compania de atte Project Manager formularul implicit, cu semnsturle aferente (Reprezentanti Beneficlar,Reprezentant) Proiectant, Reprezentanti Constructo ‘OMY PETROM SA, > Organizeaza predaroa-primitea amplasamentuli, prin Project Managerul OMV Petrom 28 in preslabil @ sedintei de incoput kick off meeting). Pentru proiectele de conducte, se recomende ca sedints ‘SA\invtail se timit cu col putin 72 ore inainte), dupa re de inceput (kek off meeting) trebuie sa aiba loc in scelesi timp cu predares-primirea amplasamentului: PE.0.56-PRO-001 Vale om: ansy 2572 — mplosamantlat pene Werne do comets “iandovereseover| —FPBPEAI Revision: 92 OMV Petrom S.A. EP Division Procedure/ @ Procedura a Diviziei E&P PETROM Pune le disporite terenul; Preda Companie! de Construct autorizatile necesare; Asigure reprezentant la provesul de predare primire: (era informatie si datele disponibile pentru bune desfaeurate a proiectul Monitorizeaza prin Project Manager procesul de predare a amplesementulut si valideaza acest proces. . Participantii la predarea de amplasament ‘OMV Petrom SA: Project Manager, Site inspector, Reprezentant HO Surveying & GIS, Reprozentant sector, Responsabil HSE din cadrul Asset ului, Reprezentanul Biroului de Proprietati din cadrul Assot uli Prolectant: Project Manager, Echipa topograica; Constructor: Project Manager, Sef Santier,Echipa topografica, Responsabil HSE. Se completesza procesul verbal de predare-primio amplasament (anexa 1) de catre Project Manager-ul OMV Petrom SA, care vebule s9 ¢e coupe si do cule Partcipantior. . Aparatura topografica utilizata Aparatura utiizata pentru _meterislizarea bezel topogratice de vasare, realizata de Compania de Proiectare, cat si pe parcursul lucarlor de catre Compania de Construct > Aparatura topografica: > GPs; > Statiototala/Theodoli.Nivela. Precizia de determinare ebule sa se incadeze imitele acceptate de normativele in vigoste side procedura OMY Petrom SA privind Corintole de Topografe si GIS. . Descrierea sectiunilor din Anexa 1 ‘Sectlunea 1 se completeaza cu Indleauvele pleselor desenate cu ajutorul carore se face PEDSG-RO-002-02.8 Procedura de predarerimivo srplesmentul penta. hcrarle contacts "itandoversakeover| ‘Procedure fr construction works se Pome BOAO Revision 02 OMV Petrom S.A. BP EP Division Procedure/ Procedura a Diviziei E&P PETROM limites terenuluin sceasta sectiune se tree si coordonatele bornelor topogratice, in ‘Stereo 70 precum si o scurta descriere a acestoraltip borna, aparaturautiizata pentru doterminarea el, zona in care este amplasata)-Tot aici se trace si cota reperului de nivelment in Sistemul National de Referinta Maree Neagre 1975, precum si cota zero: In Soctiunoa 2 se rec construct si obstacoele exstente pe teen si in subsol: In Sectiunea 3 sotrec alte observa eferitoare toren: In Sectiunee 4 se tree datele refertoare la frontul de hueru: In Sectiunea § se rec eventualele obligati ale pa In Sectiunes 6 9» trec autorizai, certificate, avize, aprobari sifsau acorduri prodate de beneficiar catre contractor, in baz leg 10/1896, consolidata 2007 privind Calitatea in Construct {In Seetiunea 7 se tree modificari aparute dupa terminarea proiectului pana la data predarit ‘amplasamentulut In Sectiunea 8 setrec observati/obiectiuni ale beneficiarulu In Sectiune 6 se wes observati/ obiectiuni ale contractorului/ constructor In Sectiunea 10 strc observa /obiectiuni ale prolectantulul; In sectiunea 11 se precizeaza documentele pe care beneficiarul le prede catre contractoriconstructor (autorzat fata de cele din soctiunea 6, do construct, corifiestul de urbanism, avize, diferite In sectiunea 12 se rec observai/obiectiuni refertoare le document, 13 se twee partcipantii la predarea-primirea amplasamentului, precizand Compania/instituia din care fec parte, Functia, Numele, Prenumele, si sermnatura, PE0:$6.PR0-002.028 eee Yaka Kam Tay 218 Procedure da predareprinire psarentia ga here prover for consrecion as se age 6 1 OMV Petrom S.A. Pe EP Division Procedure/ Procedura a Diviziei E&P PETROM 1. Introduction Handover-Tekeover for construction works sites is the process by which the Investor/Beneficiary (OMY Petrom SA} hands over the construction works ste free of any charges to the Construction Company , and the topographical landmarks marked by the Engineering Company, in order to start construction. ‘The process of handing-overtaking-over for construction sites takes place after ‘thorough site surveying has boen done in the presence of OMY Pettom SA specialists directly concerned, ater one of the engineering solutions proposed was considered the best by OMY Petrom SA, the design phase has been executed with all permits and approvals obtained, and the contract for the execution phase was assigned. The process of handing-overtaking-over for construction sites takes place as It follows: > Establishing e staring point for the attendants; > Identification of the project's ch pecfying the observations rogarding the project implomontation. laments (direction changes, ties), teristic > Engineering Company's topographical team hands-over to Construction Company's topographical team the standard landmarks with the related documentation; > After reviewing the project elements on the field, any observations, modifications, ‘attached documents and the participants to handaver-akeover process must be filled Inne 2. Roles and respon: Fngineering Company: > Marks on the field the tracking base (at least three topographical landmarks, proportional with the construction area); All the landmarks must have topographical ies in handover/takeover procedure: coordinates in STEREO 1970 National Reference Coordinate System, written on the hhandover‘tekeover minute, The landmarks must also have an identification plan and Pege7OF10 Revision: 02 OMV Petrom S.A. Pp EP Division Procedure/ Procedura a Diviziei E&P PETROM ‘topographical description > Provides topographical team for handover-takeover procedure: > Replies whenever OMV Petrom Project Manager requests changes to the Project; > In order to sustain the applicability ofthe project in site, the Engineering Company {it's topographical team is required to mark the ertical points of the p ject with pickets Using surveying methods (departure, arrival, direction changes, road track, drilling platform and well cation , facilities locations, equipment, or other item requested by the Beneficiary): Construction Company: > Provides a topographic project execution, in order 10 perform specific topographical works (og team, both in handovertakeover procedure and during the surveying, marking the characteristic elements of the project on the ground equipment assembly, ete) > Takes Over the teeking base in order ‘axes and representative points ofthe construction, 0 realize surveying calculations and tracking of 30 the "es built’ plan in AutoCAD. “The topographicalteam must verfy and validate the coordinates of the mar 4 pickets ‘and landmarks. > mcase of change request to the inital project, OMV Petrom Project Manager must fi the default form with ne Company Representatives, Engineering Company Repro OM Petrom SA: > OMY Petrom Project Mansger organizes meeting (invitations must be sent with 72 hours before), for the handovertakeover process ater kick off meeting. W's tng to take place simultaneously sary signatures (OMV Petrom Representatives, Constructor ntatives), Fecommended thet, for pipetine projects, kck off me with the handovertskeover process; Provides the and recessary forthe construction: Hnds Over to Coratrcting Company necessary authorization: Provides representatives to Handover-Takeover Procedure; Provides information and data available forthe proper development ofthe project; PE-0-50-PRO-002.02.8, roceaza ae proarepane 8 m/e 2012 Panes lure contract "anoveraateoner ‘roceduwefor conection works ste Revision: c2 OMV Petrom S.A. EP Division Procedure/ P Procedura a Diviziei E&P PETROM > OMV Petrom Project Manager monitors the Handover-Takeover Procedure and validates the process. 3. Participants to the handover-takeover procedur > OMY Potrom SA: Project Manager, Site Inspector, HO Surveying & GIS Office roprosontative, Sector representative, Asset HSE representative, Properties Ofice Representative. > Engineering Company: Project Menager, Topographic team: > Construction Company: Project Manager, Ar representative Mar HSE Topographic ‘The handovertakeover minute (annex 1) must be filled by the OMV Petrom SA Project Manager, which must algo collect the signatures of the participants. }. Topographical equipment used ‘Topographicel equipment used for materalization of the tracking base in the field, by the Engineering Company, and also during construction by the Construction Compar > Topographical equipment: > GPs; > Total station /Theodolite, level The accuracy of topographic works must be within the acceptable limits described in the "National Regulations and in OMV Petrom SA Surveying & GIS Requirements Procedure. 5. Annex 4 Se In Section one there must be specified the plans on with which the construction site was dolimited. Here must also be filed topographical landmarks coordinates ,in the National ns Description PE.0.60-PR0-002.021 aT Tay TE Procedira de predareprimire 3 smplementlus panty tocrarte Comincti "Mandovercaksovet procedure for contruction works ste Page 82110 Revision: 02 OMV Petrom S.A. eB EP Division Procedure/ Procedura a Diviziei E&P PETROM Reference Coordinate System Stereo 70 and Black Sea 75 for Z coordinete, and a briet {description for them (landmark type, equipment used for its determination, the area where Is located): In Section 2 there must be filed existing constructions oF obstacles underground or on surface ofthe site; In Section 3 there must be filled any other observations regarding the construction site; In Section 4 there must be filled date regarding working area: In Seetion 5 there must be specified other obligations of the partes; In Section 6 there must be specified al pormits, crtficates, approvals and / or delivered ‘agreements by the Beneficiary tothe Construction Company regarding Construction Quality Law(10/1995, reviewed in 20072 In Section 7 there must be fil all the changes occurred after ending Engineering untt Handover Takeover forthe construction works sites In Section 8 there must be filled observations / objections ofthe Beneficiary In Section 8 there must be filed observations / objections of the Construction Company: In Section 10 there must be filed observations / objections of the Engineering Company: In soction 11 there must be specified the documents that the beneficiary delivers to the Construction Company (building permit, urbanism eerificte, permits}, different from those in section 6 In section 12 there must be specified any observations / objections regarding the documents; In section 13 the participants at Hendover-Takeover signatures must be collected by Petrom Project Manager, specifying the company /institution, function, and name; PE.0.8G-PRO-002-02-8 iat ao) we S| Pocederetor construction work ite OMV Petrom S.A. Be EP Division Pracedure/ Procedura a Diviziei E&P PATRON, Dew nova 1 PROCES VERBAL PENTRU PREDAREA - PRIMIREA AMPLASAMENTULUI SI A BORNELOR TOPOGRAFICE ANEXA.LA CONTRACTUL DE EXECUTIE NR, Boneficiarul, SC. OMV PETROM S.A, membru al grupului OMV, ASSET. . procedeaza la predarea, catre Compania do Constructii SC. a amplasamentului sia bornelor de repere ce corespund lucrari contractate prin ‘eft SECM PETRUS nt. nner natn Cpa van tb CONTRACTUL DE EXECUTIE NR.avnsseesese SANTIER PUNCT DE LUCRU... OBIECTUL LUCRARLL.. Proect Wr NumeleFrolectuid Pret Name [Compania de Construct asset DELIMITAREA TERENULUL 411. Delimitarea terenului conf, plan nr... Land iaatanesrg the Pa Ne 12. Plansa nr nse 6U Feperele de identificare a teranului si trasare a lucrarilor ( bornele, constructile, ete.) 413. Reper de Nivelment Indieativ RNs .. COTA absoluta in Sisterul National de Referinta Marea Neagra 1975.. Bache i diatom athe Natl Reference Systm Son 175 PEDSOPROUZ2B Valid om Tana 2 Prosedura do predare pine = PaDe 10H Revoton 02 brocedire for consrucion works she OMV Petrom S.A. EP Division Procedure/ PP Procedura a Diviziei E&P PETROM COTA Zero Prolactin Marea Neagra 1975 11.4. COORDONATELE BORNELOR TOPOGRAFICE MARCATE DE COMPANIA DE PROIECTARE (X,Y-STEREO 70, 2-M.N.75) ananassae mad yb Engng Compu XV Stee 7 ZB Ses 78 numan | —ognpowara | cognogunt | coORDQNATA | pesonene. ana X Y 2 Leeson sorrecn (im im) tm} N E a Z | L + - + sTRUCTII- INSTALATH EXISTE 2.1. Construct si/sau instalatii existente pe teren: 2.2. Constructi si/sau instalatii existente in subsol: tain emarctons orion engroend PE-D-$0-PRO.002024 _ Procodadh oredr ria 7 ‘aldo ancy 2072 i Erpleamorull petra crete do page 2088 fonstruct Handover taceover Reviclon: 02 frucnde fr svat oss OMV Petrom S.A. EP Division Procedure/ Procedura a Diviziei E&P 2.3. Aite obstacole: ‘in absenaton gfe 4, DATE REFERITOARE LA FRONTUL DE LUCRU. ong wo rit dete jit. LATIMER FRONTULUIDE LUCRU: “42. ALTE DATE REFERITOARE LA FRONTUL DE LUCRU: nr ohn nin tbe weg ee: S,ALTE OBLIGATIL ALE PARTILOR CONTRACTANTE, Sie otter ar per 5.1. CONSTRUCTORUL se obliga is comanda forma a beneficiarului, sa trensporte toata cantitatea de moloz existenta pe amplasament. me: ble comanda ferme @ beneficiarulu, 89 demoleze volumul de fundati existent pe amplasament pentru afi ta ‘5.2. BENEFICIARUL se obliga: ‘sa plateasca constructorulul, integral si neconditionat, costurile aferente incarcarilor si transporturilor pe care le comands; Pave Cannon Company lyse andra rete cot forth uae ad chpaings a errs b. sa plateasca constructorulu, integral si neconditionat, costurile aferente tuturor celorlate lucrari pe care le comanda; ‘Porte Cannmeton Company Say sedans reed cot fora he ter wrk tht torr PED-S6-PRO-002028 | Proseaire we predare-pimie = "Vals rom Janay 912 ce Page 2015 a orks it OMV Petrom SA. Be EP Division Procedure/ Procedura a Diviziei E&P PETROM In conformitate cu prevederile LEGII NR. 10 / 1995 referitoare la calitatea in constructi, beneficiarul va preda catre contractor/constructor fotocopilal urmatoareior autorizati, certificate, avize, aprobarisi/sau acorduri Inensrcncs he La 088g Carton Oca he Dreetry ma hn the Cetin Consumes af he atari nes moa ander aansiaasedt 1. AUTORIZATIA DE CONSTRUIRE NR... CERTIFICATUL DE URBANISM NR. ‘7. MODIFICARI APARUTE DUPA TERMINAREA PROIECTULU! PANA LA DATA PREDARIL AMPLASAMENTUI 8, OBSERVATII/ OBIECTIUN! ALE BENEFICIARULUL 9, OBSERVATII / OBIECTIUNI ALE CONTRACTORULUI / CON: m Obseratenestectons ote ConarctonComsany 10. OBSERVATII/ OBIECTIUN! ALE PROIECTANTI ‘osoratonenptont afte Egieing CY PeLb.S6-PRO 002028 Procedure de yesare-pemie a Vali ome nary 2018 molssmentia penis crane de onset Hendoveateover procedure forconstrucion works ste Pear set evison: 02 ‘OMV Petrom S.A. Pe EP Division Procedure/ Procedura a Diviziei E&P PrTROM . : ‘Beneficiarul proda catre contractor/constructor urmatoarele documente: CAT __DENUMIREA DOCUMENTULUL___|_NR./DATA | _ogs. a — ‘ANEXA NA. ANEXANR. ‘ANEXANA. ‘ANEXANR. ‘ANEXA NA. 112. OBSERVATII/ OBIECTIUNI REFERITOARE LA DOCUMENTE. ‘hese nonsense dots Campanial eemouny [Foxton depetweninies ——] ‘npasamartull por errle de cadre for consueton works ote

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