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February 1 -5 Newsletter


Important Dates
2/2- Decimal Assessment
2/3- Top 2 students present
for all 5th grade 11:00 am
2/9- School wide speech
contest 1:30pm


Teacher Words
I would like to say that I am very proud of all the kids for their perseverance in
all that they do. They are continuing to make growth in reading and math.
Please ask you child to share with you their new lexile levels in both languages.
Although, the extra Achieve articles are a little more work it is showing to be
beneficial. Thank you for all of your support.

Language Arts

Book Clubs

Hot Topic

We are continuing to work on

summarizing literary text.
We are starting to read Witch of
Blackbird Pond. We will be
addressing inferring, comparing
characters, settings and events to
address theme. On Friday they will
take an assessment to address
summarizing, comparing settings
and events and theme.

Half of the clubs are working on

their power points and will be
ready to present. The other half
are working on finishing up their
books while they converse for
understanding. Power-points are
done on their one drive so they are
all working simultaneous.

This weeks it is in English to get

them prepared for our Colonist
unit. I put the Hot Topic on this
Blog for anyone that wanted or
needed extra time to work on due
to extra curricular activities. I will
continue to do so as much as I can.
Hopefully, this will be helpful.




We will be taking out adding and

subtracting decimal assessment on
Tuesday. We will then continue
with multiplying decimals.

We will continue with our matter

unit. The reading part will be in
Spanish since we will start reading
our shared reading in English. We
will be doing investigation that will
be in English to reinforce their

We are done with explorer. Our

next unit will be in two weeks. We
will begin the unit of Colonies.

Classroom information
I know that everyone provided their child with different colored pens. However, we are now in third quarter and
the majority of them have misplaced them. We do much of work with some type of color coding so that they
can better retain information. If you could replenish them it would be greatly appreciated.

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