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Chapter 7

Locating, Mining, and Citing Sources


of your research and success of any

paper lies upon locating relevant,
significant, reliable, and current sources


NOT use information obtained through a

general search engine


Found in books, periodicals, peer-reviewed





Experiments, observations, surveys,

interviews, diaries, letters



Footnote references & external links can be useful

Biographical Sources
Almanacs and Yearbooks
Literature Guides and Handbooks
Overviews and Bibliographies
Licensed Databases
Provides access to peer-reviewed articles
Held in high regards in academia
Refer to pages 212-215 for effective search terms


to be heavily researched with

numerous notes and references
Generally published by university presses
Authors are university professors
Generally peer reviewed by other scholars
in field


and include the answers to the

AlleyCat Tutorial
Located on next slide
Located on Weebly


pages fall into 5 types

Advocacy of a particular POV or
Personal page


the likelihood that the information

has been checked by anyone other than
the author?
What are the authors qualifications to
write on the subject?
What is the reputation of the publisher?
Who is the author?
What are the biases of the Web site?
How current is the site?
Which topics are included in the site? To
what extent are the topics covered in


Dont provide citations so of limited usefulness

for scholarly research


Level of bias


watch currency


publications and other

statistical sources



and surveys

Bias (tips pg. 222)


Evaluating sources
Authority, currency, relevance, audience,
Avoid plagiarism


to document sources to avoid

Consult OWL at Purdue for up-to-date
Bibliography generators are like Word and
dont always catch errors

Demonstrate CCAC bib generator

Entries are arranged alphabetically by author, or

by title if there is no author
Each entry includes medium of publication of
source (Print, Web, DVD, etc)
It there is more than one entry per author, works
are arranged alphabetically by title
For second and all additional entries, type three
hyphens and a period in place of the authors
Link to example on Owl at Purdue

Every source on Works Cited must be mentioned in

body of paper
Every source cited in an in-text citation must be
included on Works Cited page
First word in each entry of Works Cited must also
appear in the in-text citation

The following is an excerpt from an essay:

This disenfranchisement over his marginalization in
Anglo society [affected] his individual psyche
(Delgadillo 99).
-----------------------------------------------------------------Stanko 17
Works Cited
Delgadillo, Theresa. Forms of Chicana Feminist
Resistance: Hybrid Spirituatlity in Ana
Castillos So Far From God. Modern Fiction
Studies 44.4 (1998):79 102. Print.

In-text citations contain two elements

Last name of author
Page number of quoted or paraphrased passage
Information can be placed in parentheses
immediately after the material being cited

The Spanish tried to reduce the status of Filipina women,

who had been able to do business, get divorced, and
sometimes become village chiefs (Karnow 41).

Or place authors name in an attributive tag at the

beginning of the source material and the page
number in parentheses at the end
According to Karnow, the Spanish tried to reduce the status
of Filipina women, who had been able to do business, get
divorced, and sometimes become village chiefs (41).

A. Richard A. Hawley reports that although the
ancient Chinese used marijuana for medical
purposes, there is no record of the Chinese
using it as a pleasure-producing drug (26).
In MLA style, the sentence period comes after
the parenthetical citation.

B. Drugs classified as Schedule I by the Drug
Enforcement Administration are illegal, even
for medical purposes, but they are allowed in
authorized experiments (Henninfield and Ator
When a work has two or three authors, all
authors must be named either in a signal
phrase or in the parenthetical citation.

B. Nearly half of 1,035 oncologists surveyed in
1991 said that if smokable marijuana were
legal for cancer patients, they would prescribe
it (Cross-Eyed 89).
When the author of an article is unknown, a
short form of the title is given in the
parenthetical citation.

A. Marshall explains that marijuana can be
dangerous for people with heart conditions
because its use can dramatically increase
heart rate and blood pressure (Legalization
A short form of the title of the work appears in
the parenthetical citation because two works
by Marshall are given in the works cited list.

B. The US Drug Enforcement Administration has
allowed marijuana to be used in experiments with
patients suffering from glaucoma. According to one
expert, Several studies since 1971 have shown
that smoking marijuana causes the pressure within
the eye to decrease and to remain at a lowered
level for about five hours (Marshall, Legalization
The authors name is not given in the signal phrase
(According to one expert)so it appears in the
parenthetical citation along with a short form of
the title of the work and the page number on
which the quotation may be found.

A. The Drug Enforcement Administration of the
US Department of Justice reports that
marijuana use among young people aged
twelve to seventeen in the United States
nearly doubled in the 1990s from 4.3% to
For an unpaginated online source, a signal
phrase giving the author of the source is
sufficient. The abbreviation n. not

A. According to a report by the United States
Justice Departments Drug Enforcement
Administration, marijuana in the 1990s was
about five times more potent than the
marijuana of the 1960s.
The signal phrase gives the complete name of
the author of the source, in this case a
government agency. If the student uses a
parenthetical citation, it must include the
complete name under which the work is given
in the list of works cited: (United States,
Dept. of Justice, Drug Enforcement

A. I consider this [alleviating acute pain and
nausea] a need that has to be filled, says
Rabbi Isaac P. Fried of New York of his
administration of marijuana to suffering
patients. Should I buckle under the fear of an
archaic law that doesnt deal with the present
needs of the 1990s? (qtd. In Treaster 38).
When a source is quoted in another source, MLA
style requires the abbreviation qtd. in (for
quoted in).

B. Brian Hecht sums up the debate over the
medical use of marijuana in three questions:
(1) Is the drug safe? (2) does it work? And (3)
How does it compare with other available
drugs? (8).
Because the question mark is in the original
source, it appears inside the quotation mark
and before the parenthetical citation. A
period follows the parentheses.

A. Fiona A. Campbell et al. present the results of
scientific studies on the effectiveness and
safety of using marijuana for medical
In MLA style for a work with more than three
authors, the in-text citation matches the
entry in the list of works cited. In this cate,
et al. appears after the first authors
name. Alternatively, the student could use all
the authors names in the works cited list and
the in-text citation.

A. Al Capone. The History Files. Chicago Hist.
Soc., 1999. Web. 9 Oct. 2002.

For a work without an author, a works cited
entry begins with the title of the source, not
with Anonymous.

A. Roark, James L., et al. The American
Promise: A History of the United States. 2nd
compact ed. Boston: Bedford, 2003. Print.
In MLA style, a work with four or more authors
is listed by the name of the first author
followed by et al. Alternatively, a work can
be listed by the names of all the authors as
they are given in the source.

A. Biskind, Peter. Easy Riders, Raging Bulls. New
York: Touchstone-Simon, 1998. Print.

In MLA style, the city of publication precedes
the name of the publisher and the date of

B. The Godfather. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola.
Perf. Marlon Brando and Al Pacino. Paramount,
1972. Film.
Because the student has used dialogue from the
film and has not emphasized one persons
contribution, the MLA works cited entry
begins with the title of the film, not the
directors name.

B. Hamill, Pete. Dapper Dons Time Gone. Daily News, 18 June 2001.
Web. 7 Oct. 2002.
Both the date of publication and the date of
access are given for an online source.

A. Biskind, Peter. Easy Riders, Raging Bulls. New
York: Touchstone-Simon, 1998. Print.

Although the student has quoted Townes
words, the book in which the words appear
was written by Biskind, not Towne.

A. Mobilio, Albert. Why Organized Crime Isnt
What It Used to Be. Rev. of Gotham
Unbound: How New York City Was Liberated
from the Grip of Organized Crime, by
James B. Jacobs. Village Voice. Village Voice, 29
Sept. 1999. Web. 30 Sept. 2002.
The works cited entry for a review should
include the words Rev. of and the title and
author of the work reviewed.

B. Millman, Joyce. Sympathy for the (Jersey)
Devil. Salon. Com. Salon Media Group, 27
Feb. 2001. Web. 1 Oct. 2002.
In MLA style for dates, the day precedes the
month, and the day and the month are not
separated from the year with a comma.

B. Agins, Teri, and Joe Flint. Mobster Chic: Its
Menswear a la Sopranos, Wall Street
Journal 10 Mar. 2003: B1. Print.
In MLA style, the authors names are followed
by the title of the article and then the name
of the newspaper, the date, and the page

Your essay is 9 pages in length. Create a complete

MLA Works Cited Page using sources listed on

interview in person with Robert Akins, November 19, 2010

Website article by Dr. Joshua Smith entitled The Many
Uses of Pencils. It was published March 22, 2010 and
viewed August 3, 2012. The URL is
Pens vs. Pencils written by Henry Goldman and Elizabeth
Howard. Published by Gold House in Philadelphia in 1989.
The Beauty of Mechanical Pencils by Alexander Morrow,
published by Westing Forge in Denver, CO in 2011.
Short video called The Ink of Mystery, directed by
Bernard Howard and starring Kurt Sherman, distributed
by Public Video in November 2009.
Encyclopedia of Style article, Writing Utensils, by John
Gruber, published in 2008, 5th edition


will work on creating a Works Cited

page in class. We are meeting in the
Writing Lab located on the 3rd floor in the
north wing. From the library, go down the
stairs. The Writing Lab will be to the right.
Continue to work on your portfolio
Task #1
Task #2 (we will work with more on Tuesday)
Task #3

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