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Herrings Class News Bulletin

February 16th - February 19th
This Week-

Language Arts- This week we will focus on grammar skills and figurative language.
Math- This week we will be working with mixed numbers and improper fractions to add and subtract.
Science- This week students will continue working with Mr. Weiler on Magnets. We are excited to be working
with him, if you have any concerns about science grades please contact him.

Social Studies- This week we will focus our studies on the Constitution.


Missing Work-Missing work has continued to be a problem. This Friday is the Midterm Motivated to
Move Activity. Any students who has any missing work will be unable to attend the activity.
2. Continue to log your minutes on Learn2Earn
3. February Book Reports are in full swing. Students are asked to collect 5 poems to contribute to a
class poem book. Poems must be turned in to Ms. Herring on Monday February 29 th. Please do this on a
Microsoft Word document and e-mail it to her.

HomeworkRemember the new homework routine.

1. Read at least 20 minutes a night- log your minutes on learn 2 earn
2. Finish any missing assignments
3. Math sheet is due this Friday

DonationsIts been a busy year so far, and we are running low on a few things. If youd like to send in some
donations heres what we need.
White Paper
Expo Markers (thin and thick)
Post-it notes
Clorox wipes

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