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The state of the world population and resource consumption: is it


The development of our civilization has changed, and in many cases

substantially, the planet. Cities and towns in which we live, and the fields we
get our foods have removed the original ecosystems, drying lakes and rivers or
even cattle land to sea. We have also led to the extinction of many species and
overloaded the atmosphere with gases and pollutants that cause climate
changes, all to settle down and allow our cities and small towns continue to

Of the world's population, there is an incredibly large segment that can make
the difference between life we have today and we will have in the future. There
are 1.8 billion young people in the world, with sufficient, accurate and timely
information can improve living conditions for all.
This young population has shown great interest in the environment and care.
There are groups formed by young people looking for new alternatives for the
development of less harmful fuels for the environment; also they develop
technology that is friendly to the ecosystem and are interested in making
ecological and sustainable volunteering. That is why they must be taken into
account for any project, and the objectives of the UN consider them as a

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