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How did you attract/address your audience?

My magazine has a simple yet

colourful feel, which is similar to Q
magazine as they use block colours in
their masthead and the artist's name
with Serif fonts to signify their
uniqueness within the articles.

My magazine is targeted mostly

to the pop rock Creatives" who
are eager to search for ways
to improve their skills on playing
their guitar or style as shown
in the contents page- "10 ways
to rock your style!" which is
aimed for the "Stylists" and "A
lesson with Joe Satriani". This
makes it really exciting for my
audience as I was challenging
the variety of bonus content that
Q magazine does not offer:
these two examples are very
practical and it sounds more of a
straight forward step by step.

To contrast, the layout of my

magazine looks very different to
theirs: I added less coverlines in
my front cover to make it short
but effective to represent the
magazine as a basic issue with all
the contents inside to read.

Referring back to niche marketing, it would

give my magazine the chance to release my
magazine to my target audience. The
magazine comes at a reasonable price of
2.50 which is very much affordable for
them to buy my magazine as a majority of
them are students who do not have a lot of

Another way that it attracts my target audience is the young artist featured on my
double page spread who is 17 years old (this applies mostly to 16 year olds) which
relates to them and by using pull quotes from the article such as "I never meant to go
this far" which emphasises an unexpected feel to this quote that connotes his recent
rise to fame. However, it could also show that being passionate in my younger
audience's talent helps them achieve their ambitions and goals and they'll "go far" in
their future and this portrays a motivating feel to this part of my magazine.

How did you attract/address your audience?

In my magazine, there are several examples of

a mixture of colloquial language: I used words
like "Hittin and young Americans in the media
commonly use it. I want to combine my
colloquial language by using some from
different countries (America). This word is
compared to hitting a note in music.

Another example is mentioned in a song that my

artist has mentioned in the double page spread
"Pills N Potion". By not using this type of language,
it would put off readers, leading them to think that
this magazine is not really "talking to them with
their latest stories as if they are in a casual virtual
conversation. It also familiarises them with this
latest song to. In Q magazine, I found out that their
language register is mostly informal- this is the way
my target audience usually talk which is vital
in order to engage with them.

How did you attract/address your audience?

scThe choice of the artist's outfit is not

perfect- the style looks very jagged and edgy.
This attracts my target audience especially
teenagers as they can relate it to their
rebellious sense of fashion. I tried not to
make the outfit too obvious for my younger
audience as compared to todays
representation of young people.

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