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Adriana Ortega

INGL 3104-020
When you thought it was the end, it was only just the
It was time for me to take the test. I was so nervous and
scared because if I was too good, they were going to find out I
was a Divergent and if I was too bad, I wouldve fail the test.
Lucky me. Tris Prior I heard my name so I supposed it was my
turn. I started walking slowly towards the seat and at the same
time, watching the people who were there. There she was,
Jeanine, the faction leader who wanted all Divergents like me,
eliminated. I sat on the seat and Tori walked towards to inject the
solution and while she did, she said to me Good Luck Tris with a
worried face. I couldnt blame her. I was put in a very hard
position in all of this. The test began and I tried my best to pass
all of them thinking as a Dauntles. However, the minute I thought
I had passed the test, Jeanine came to me and gave to me a gun
in my hand. When I I looked up, my parents and Caleb were in
front of me. Jeanine then said to me, Shoot. I looked at her with
a shock face and she said to me again Shoot. The I said No, Im

not! They are my family! Jeanine: Im not asking, shoot!

Instead, I looked at my gun and when I looked up again, I shot her.
Immediately, I woke up and realized that what I just did, it wasnt
real, it was part of the test. Thats when all these men grabbed
me to take me away and I started to fight them off but they were
so strong that I couldnt let myself go. Meanwhile, Four started
shouting No! Tris!and he also started fighting them and pushing
everyone around him, but then they threw him at the floor
making it for him impossible to move. Four! After that, all I
heard was Jeanine saying Lock her down. I got better plans for
her and so they took me away.
Later on the next day, I woke up and saw that I was locked
up in a small prison. I was angry, agitated and frustrated. Jeanine
was about to plan something horrible and I wanted to stop her but
I couldnt. However, it was not until late at night when I heard
someone coming, it was Caleb. Tris: Caleb? I dont know how
but he managed to let me out. Tris:How did you get here? How
come no one saw you coming? Caleb: No time to explain just
hurry up! Jeanine is about to build up an army with Dauntless! I
simply nodded and ran off as fast as I could. When I got out of the

building, I realized that I was at Erudite. It was quite a mission

trying to get myself out of there.
Jeanine was already working on her project where she gave
orders to inject this device in each and everyone who belonged to
Dauntless. I arrived early on the next day at Dauntless and thats
when I saw how everyone was acting strange as if they were mind
controlled. Then I saw Christina and I asked Hey, whats going
on? Do you know where is Four? but she just looked at me with a
straight face and kept walking. I assume that something was
definitely going on. Therefore, I decided to look for Four. Everyone
started walking outside and forming different lines. I then saw
someone who was also confused about what what was happening
and then one of the soldiers said Dont worry everything is going
to be fine and then he shot him. I freaked out a little, but then I
realized I had to follow the lead. I kept looking around and saw
Four. He was quite in front of the line so my plan was to get in
front with him as careful as possible. We then moved to the train
wagons. Little by little inside the train, I started moving myself to
the front to get close to Four and still acting as if I was also mind
controlled. Afterwards, I stood right next to him nervous and

scared because I was fully clueless of what was going to happen.

As I was standing right next to him, I felt as he slowly grabbed my
hand. My heart immediately stopped for a second and I fell a
great relief.
We got out of the train and realized we were at Abnegation.
Their people just kept looking at us really frightened and scared.
Immediately, Dauntless started getting them out of their houses
and throwing them on the floor in a very harsh way. It was
horrifying. Thats when I realized these people didnt know what
they were doing. They even started shooting some of them and I
had to act like nothing was happening. Furthermore, it couldnt
have gotten any worse when Eric noticed that I was there. He
tried to shoot me but Four acted fast and defended me while I
shot the two other mean who were with Eric. I managed to escape
and when I looked back to see Four, he was laying on the floor. I
acted fast and went to him but when I looked from behind him,
part of the army(Dauntless) were coming towards us. Tris: Four,
cmon get up we have to go! Four: *in pain* Tris I cantI think I
got shotyou go ahead. Tris: *almost crying*No Four! Im not
leaving you! Four: TRIS GO! When I looked up, the soldiers

were already getting closer so I ran off while they started shooting
at me. I ran and hid behind the closest tree. I then started crying
by just thinking, how did I let myself leave Four there just like
that? I looked back again and saw that the soldiers were taking
him away. After that, I heard a whisper Psst. Tris! Over here! I
looked and realized it was my mom. Tris: Mom! I hugged her
very tightly. Ashley: Cmon Tris lets go. Your dad and brother are
waiting for us in a hidden place nearby So we ran off as fast as
we could and arrived at the hidden spot. I saw my brother and my
dad and for a moment, I was so glad that they were okay. I then
said to my mom Mom, I need to go and find Four! I think he was
taken to Erudite! I need to get him Andrew: No Tris! Its too
risky! Tris: Im sorry dad. But I know that he wouldve done the
same thing if it were me who was taken away. I have to. So I left
and took the train. When I arrived at Erudite, everything was quite
and nobody was there. Something seemed very odd. Later I went
the main building and heard people talking. I went upstairs and
saw Jeanine talking to some people over there on the other room.
On the other side of the room, I saw Four laying on the floor what
it seemed, unconscious. I then moved quietly towards him and

said Four! Its me Tris! Cmon lets get out of here. I then noticed
his wound was already healed. Tris: Psst! Four! Who healed you?
What happened? He still didnt answered me. Then, Jeanine
heard me and said He cant hear you, you know. She then
started talking about how she was using mind control what it can
do to people like for example, how she was using Dauntless to
eliminate everyone who belonged in Abnegation. She then
pressed some buttons over the controlling room which woke up
Four. However, the look on his face wasnt the same Four I knew.
In fact, he started attacking me and hitting me. Tris: Stop Four!
Its me! I tried to stop him but he just kept hitting me and I was
not trying to fight back but I also knew if I didnt, he was capable
of killing me. Tris: Four stop! Its me! Tris! You dont have to do
this. I kept fighting back until I grabbed a knife and put it below
my neck. I was willing to give up just so I didnt have to kill him. I
dont know what happened, but that action I made, for some
reason, woke him up from his mid control and so he turned his
back and stared fighting the other investigators who were with
Jeanine. I then decided to fight Jeanine but she began pushing
buttons over the controlling area where she was giving orders to

the army. In just in a few more minutes, the army were about
about to shoot all of Abnegation. I then threw my knife which hit
right in her hand at the computer screen. I went to her and told
her Stop the mind controlling now! and she said she wasnt
going to do it. I then started twisting the knife that had passed
through her hand and she started screaming in agony and finally
said Ill do it! it was then with her other hand that she did it. I
then saw in the screen how everyone woke up from their mind
control and looked horrified when they found out what they were
about to do. After that, I took the nearest gun close to me and
shot her. Then I heard this footsteps coming towards me. When I
turned my head, I saw Caleb with the gun. Tris: Caleb? What are
you doing? How did you even get here? Caleb: Oh sister, you just
finished my plan. Tris: Plan? What are you talking about?
Caleb: Me letting you go was all part of the plan. I knew you were
going back to kill her. Thus, now that Jeanine is dead, I can be the
next Erudite leader. And finish what she started. Meanwhile, youll
be viewed as the criminal in all of this. Tris: What??! Why would
you want to do that? Why are you acting like this?

Caleb: I

dont know, maybe Jeanine was also mind controlling me and now

that you killed her, well, whos going to fix me now? I dont think
anyone actually. Tris: Caleb stop! You dont have to do this! This
isnt you! I can help you! Caleb: Oh sister, I think youll just have
to say goodbye to your old nice brother because hes gone and
never coming back. I couldnt believe what I was hearing! I just
wanted to scream and shout but all I started to do was crying.
Caleb: Oh sis dont cry! Believe me, everything is going to make
sense now. This world is going to get what it deservers. He still
had his gun in his hand and when Four attempted to move he
pointed the gun at him. Caleb: No Four, I dont think you should
move. Just stay right there buddy. While he seemed distracted, I
attempted to take the gun out of his hand I started fighting him
but he managed to shoot and it hit me right into my arm. Four:
Tris! He tried to fight back Caleb but he ran off and disappeared
into the dark. I was there on the floor bleeding a lot and Four just
stood there nervously trying to stop the bleeding by giving me a
piece clothing. Four: Stay strong Tris! Im going to look for some
help just please, stay awake! I wasnt even thinking clearly. I was
still horrified for what just happened. For what Jeanine had done.

She had created a monster. A monster that maybe it was my job

for me to kill.

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