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Neurons/Nerve Cells

- Is the functional units of the nervous system.

Parts of Neurons

Cell Body- Look like a star or many legged spider with arms branching out in all
Dendrites- thin branches, which receive stimulation from different parts of the
body and from the environments.
Axon- carries nerve impulse away from the cell body. The impulse may move
toward a cell body, gland or dendrites of another neurons.
Myelin Sheath- a fatty substances covering the axon.
2 kinds:
* Myelinated- covered axon.
* Nonmyelinated- axon has no cover.
Node- gap between myelin sheath

Types of Neuron
1. Sensory/ Afferent- transmit information to the spinal cord and brain.
2. Motor/ Efferent- carry messages from the brain and spinal cord to the body
parts causing
them to react.
3. Interneuron/ Associative- carry information between two other neurons.

Peripheral Nervous System


Composed of all body parts that lie outside the central nervous system.

It consist:
1. Cranial Nerves- with 12 pairs of motor and sensory nerves emerge from
the brain.
2. Spinal Nerves- with 31 pairs of motor and sensory comes from the spinal
3. Peripheral Nerve- located outside the brain and spinal cord.

Two Groups of Motor Neurons

1. Somatic Nervous System- connect the nervous system to the voluntary
2. Autonomic Nervous System- regulates the involuntary actions of
glands and organs.

Two Subdivisions of Autonomic Nervous System

1. Sympathetic- helps to regulate the activity of other internal organs.
- Speeds up heart beat and slow down digestion.
2. Parasympathetic- maintains system of checks and balances
- Slows down heart beat and speed up digestion.

1. Skin- is a sensory organ that detect for touch. The receptors for skin are
sensitive to stimuli of pain, touch, heat, cold and pressure.
*Heat receptor- to detect any rise in temperature.
*Cold receptor- detect any fall in temperature.
*Pain receptor- detects pain when the skin is injured.
*Pressure receptor- detects pressure exerted on the skin.
*Touch receptors- detect any contact made with the skin.

2. Nose- is the sensory organ that give us the sense of smell.

The smell receptor are sensitive to all kinds of smell.

*Turbinates- the nasal passages are found in three layers of cavities separated
by bony layers.
*Olfactory Nerve- the nerve leading from the olfactory receptor endings to the
olfactory lobe of the brain.
*Olfactory lobe- the region of the brain that registers smell.

3. Tongue- is the sensory organ that gives us sense of taste.

Taste buds- make the tongue surface rough. Each bud contains many taste
Taste Receptors- are sensitive to chemicals in food.
Four basic taste:
1. Sweet
2. Salty
3. Sour
4. Bitter

4. Ear- is the sensory organ of hearing that sensitive to sound stimuli.

Three main parts:
1. Outer Ear- catches sounds and leads them into auditory canal.
2. Middle Ear- sounds wave that vibrate Tympanic membrane (eardrum).
Three tiny bones:
*Hammer- connected to the middle of the ear drum.
*Anvil- bridges the malleus and stapes.
*Stirrup- connected to the oval window
3. Inner Ear- fluid filled cavity with a membranous sac; consist of cochleaspecial passage filled with liquid.

5.Eyes- are sensory organ of sight which are sensitive to light.

*Eyelid- admits light, protect the eye.
*Cornea- front of eyes is transparent and kept moist by tears from the tear
*Iris- responsible for the color of the eye.
*Retina- where the light rays are focused.
*Lens- Focuses images
*Pupil- black portion of the eye which allow more light to enter the eye.

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