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Meeting Notes 2

By Maheen Hashmi

Meeting Notes 2
Date - 25/09/15

Start Timing - 3:30PM

Location Oaks park High school: Media Studies

Present Jaimie, Ganesh and Arrani
End Timing 5:30PM

Meeting Notes 2
On our second meeting we had a short discussion than

last time as we were discussing who would be perfect for

the role for the characters in our production.
Location We spoke about where we think would be the
best setting for our production , we came to an
conclusion of doing it inside school as its based around
two school girls.
Costume- The costume that we had decided on was
school uniform as the location is in school so this would
be more appropriate for the shot.

Meeting Notes 2
Prop We thought of the prop that we were going to use in
our production was a doll but for the doll but to make it look
better for the scene we had decided of how to make it look
more appropriate for the scene so we will be burning the
dolls clothing.
Still Images- As a group we have come to an conclusion of
taking still images to show our teacher so he will know
roughly of how the production will be about.

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