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Mnemonic-An Android Application

Ramidi Yeshwanth Reddy 3rd year,Cse C,
Deshagani Sreenath 3rd year,Cse C,
P Sidharth Reddy 3rd year,Cse C,
ABSTRACT : Mnemonic is an android application which assists user in remembering the objects that are
required for you before attending an event.This app consists a number of different sections with different event
names where in each section user will be provided with sequential order of items that are essential for that
paritcular event.Our app not only gives you information but also provides you an interesting option where user
can test his skills i.e Skill Tester.In skill tester,user will asked a set of questions and based on his answers he will
categorized as above average or below average or average and simulataneously,some of his skills will be
rated.Usage of Mnemonic For example : Before attending a exam,a person should carry a hallticket and all the
required stationary items.Hence not to forget those,Mnemonic will list all those items as checkboxes in a event
called exam thereby user can esily check the items and he will carry with him without fail.Mnemonic also
provides refresh ,add,replace etc options.

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