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Connectedness Scale

Explore each statement below and rate (1-5) how true each is for you at this time in your life. Once you rate yourself for each
statement, add your numbers together to gain your total Connectedness Score. Discuss with your coaches and group members about
your answers.
1=Not True

2=Hardly Ever True

3=Sometimes True

Connection to Self

4=True Most of the Time



I enjoy spending time alone.

I have enough time alone.
I like who I am as a person.
I have a place I go to for refuge or to recharge.

Connection to Family


I have a supportive family.

I enjoy spending time with my family.
I spend enough time with my family.

Social Connection


I spend enough time doing activities I enjoy.

I spend enough time with friends.
I have someone I can share most everything with.

Connection at Work


I get along well with my co-workers.

I feel respected in the work I do.
I am part of a team at work.
I feel valued at work.
My colleagues and I trust one another.

Category 3: Weight Smart Badge

What does your score mean?

75-50: High level of connectedness
25-49: Moderate level of connectedness
1-24: Low level of connectedness

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