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Professional Practice Experience

January 2016 March 2016

I completed my Professional Practice Experience (PPE) at Cincinnati Childrens

Hospital Medical Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. I completed 120 hours of practical
experience. I was able to have various HIM experiences while there. I spent time sitting
with all the various departments within the HIM, listening to their job functions and
watching them complete associated tasks, even being allowed to work on some as well.
Some of these departments include; ROI, Radiology ROI, Transcription, Registration,
Duplicate MRN, Audits, Blood Consents, Birth Certificates, Coding, Chart Corrections,
Verbal Orders, ECRM, Pended Notes, Records, etc. I was then able to spend the bulk
of my time at my PPE helping complete a special assignment that the HIM department
is working on. The coders within the HIM department at Cincinnati Childrens are
working on duel coding past medical charts in order to have a full fiscal year of dual
coded medical records. I had the privilege to help the coders on this special
assignment. This helped strengthen my abilities in coding and gave me true hands on
experience. I am very thankful for the experience and know that it will make me a
stronger candidate for any coding position I apply for.

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