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Name: Molly Schaefer

Grade Level: First Grade

Date: March 31st, 2016
1. I will be presenting: La
2. Students will practice: sol and mi
3. Students will practice: ta ti-ti variation
4. Students will be able to sing correct solfege syllable for sol, mi and la
5. Students will be able to demonstrate new hand sign for la
6. Students will be able to transpose an isolated measure
7. Students will be able to identify a s l s m song from hand signs and inner hearing

marker, staff on board
Procedure: in chairs:
1. Song: We are on the kings land
-Students will sing with words
2. Students will sing song with words and body signs
3. Students will sing song with solfege syllables with hum for la
4. Teacher will sing the isolated measure on solfege, but hum a
We are on the
kings land
s s

hm hm

5. Students will echo teacher

6. Teacher will have students stand up and teacher will say:
-This position is sol
-Listen to my voice, is my voice going up or down? student answers: up
-Is it going up a little or a lot? student answers: a little
-Can you think of something we can do with our bodies for this note? student answers:
tip toes

-Teacher will proceed to mi while questioning the position by looking at the chair
-What position can you think of for mi?
Transition to: white board, carpet
7. Teacher will model the isolated measure We are on the kings land with words
-Students will echo
8. Teacher will sing the isolated measure on solfege with hm
-Students will echo
9. Teacher will motion to the board and say, We are putting sol on the fourth line today
-How many sols did we just sing? Teacher will model again
10. Teacher will say, remember when we were at the chairs and stood on our tip toes for that
higher note? Where would this note go?
11. Student will come up to point where they think the note should go.
Teacher: Why did you put it there? Did our voices go up a lot or a little? Was our tip toe
movement far or close from our standing position?
12. Student will answer
13. Teacher: This note is called la. It also has a hand sign
14. Teacher will model the hand sign for la
Teacher will say: The hand sign for la looks like a little cap on top of sol
15. Students will replace the hm with la within the isolated measure
Echo work:
16. Teacher will have students echo several four beat measures using sol, mi, and la with hand
-Students will echo and teacher will continue exercise until la is sung and showed comfortably
17. Teacher: this is too high for me. Sol is now going to be on the second space
-Teacher will write sol on the second space
18. Teacher: Can someone come show me where la would go?
-Student will come up to write la
19. Teacher: Can someone come up and write mi?

20. We are on the kings land: Game
-Students already know the game
1. Teacher will listen to students for correct pitches and solfege syllables for sol, mi and la
2. Teacher will visually observe for correct physical movement (standing/sitting movements,
hand signs) (individual)
3. Teacher will observe for correct la, sol and mi identification placement on board
4. Teacher will listen for correct ti ti and ta rhythms throughout lesson (group)
5. Teacher will visually observe correct placement of sol, mi and la while transposing
1. Were students able to sing correct solfege syllable for la?
Indicate accuracy level for class:










2. Were students able to use identify la on the board?

Indicate accuracy level for class:


3. Were students able to practice sol, mi, ti-ti and ta?

Indicate accuracy level for class:


4. Were students able to transpose the isolated measure?

Indicate accuracy level for class:


National Core Arts Standards:

Anchor Standard #1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Anchor Standard #2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Anchor Standard #3. Refine and complete artistic work.
Anchor Standard #4. Analyze, interpret, and select artistic work for presentation.
Anchor Standard #9. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.

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