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Description of Student:
Tony is a nine year old boy in the fourth grade. He is diagnosed as having an
intellectual disability and spends the majority of his day in the resource room. Tony
struggles significantly with reading and math and receives one on one instruction in the
resource room. He is functioning on a first grade level and specifically struggles with
reading and comprehension. Although he is functioning three years below his grade level,
math is his stronger subject. Tony struggles with speech, which results in communication
difficulties, but when you ask him to clarify, he will restate his sentence. During lessons,
Tony will raise his hand and get involved in answering questions when he is familiar with
the topic. He responds to specific positive praise and works hard to please the teacher. Tony
is able to copy sentences and is steadily improving on his handwriting skills; he is able to
write in cursive and is very proud of this. When there is a new activity or new game to be
played, Tony becomes very excited and you will catch him dancing at his
table and smiling.
Tony struggles with social situations and he typically sits by himself and rarely
communicates with his peers. There have been reports of him making inappropriate
comments to students at recess to try and fit in. When Tony tries to interact with his
classmates, it usually turns into his peers leaving him and going elsewhere or they state
he is being annoying. Tony wants to have friends, but needs to be taught proper social
skills and learn what is appropriate to say. He is a joy to have in class and continues to
work hard and improve his academic skills.

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