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K3 Comments 3Q

1. Abdullah Khan Mahar

Abdullah happily comes into class each morning eager to learn and play with his
classmates. He is beginning to form new friendships with peers in his own classroom and
in the class above (K4) Abdullah displays confidence and is able to cope with changes in
routine. For example, during the K3 and K4 assembly, Abdullah had to change partners
last minute. He was able to adapt and display the ability to persevere on. This
development should be used as an opportunity to schedule playdates with not only
children in his class, but also in the other class (K4).
In Language Arts, Abdullah enjoys listening to stories and pays particular attention to the
illustrations.He is engaged and demonstrates independent thinking when involved in play
throughout our unit on Children’s Authors. He actively participates in two - way
conversation; sharing his thoughts and views about the books we read in class.
Abdullah takes pleasure in his achievements, he enjoys taking on the roles of
responsibility through classroom jobs such as line leader, door holder, and water planter.
In Math he has a good understanding of the skills taught in class. He can classify objects
by size, and create a two attribute pattern with the help of a teacher. Abdullah takes
delight in exploring natural materials such as sand, and water; and man - made materials
such as powder, and shaving foam. He displays fine motor skills to manipulate the
materials. He talks about the observations and tries to make simple predictions.
One thing Abdullah does not do, is eat his snack. He often complains he is hungry, but
chooses not to eat because he gets the same thing almost everyday, especially on Fridays
when it’s junk day. Try working with Abdullah to figure out what he would like to eat for
snacks and send that with him.
2.Muhammad Ahmed Jamil
Ahmed has finally settled into his classroom environment. He displays confidence when
he comes to school and is eager to learn. He is an active participant in group discussions
and has no trouble sharing stories and his thoughts.He is beginning to form new
friendships with peers in his own classroom and in the class above (K4). Ahmed takes
pleasure in his achievements, he enjoys taking on roles of responsibility through
classroom jobs such as water planter, attendance monitor and energy saver. I would
suggest continuing these roles of responsibility at home, especially when it comes to
cleaning up. Allow Ahmed to clean up after himself after he makes a choice.
SInce the last quarter, there has been improvement in his fine motor skills. His pincer and
pencil grip are strengthening, and it is showing in his work. For example, Ahmed is
beginning to illustrate recognizable shapes and forms in his writing and drawing. Continue
to read to Ahmed, as it will continue to spark his imagination, stimulate curiosity and help
in the development of early literacy skills such as the ability to listen, understand words,
and creating awareness that print has meaning.
3. Ameerah Hamza
Ameerah has made many gains this reporting period. She continues to come to school
happily every morning. Through the roles of classroom jobs such as line leader, door
holder, energy saver, and litter monitor. Ameerah is learning responsibility and applying it
towards following directions and classroom procedures. Classroom jobs have allowed
Ameerah to develop awareness of her community, and the classroom and her
responsibilities in each. She demonstrates increasing ability to complete self- help and life
skills independently. For example, she knows that when no one is in the room, the lights
should be turned off to save energy or how to take turns and wait patiently. In addition,
Ameerah enjoys collecting data by counting through classroom jobs such as attendance
monitor, and calendar helper.
In Math, Ameerah is exploring measurement through block play. She shows particular
interest in creating towers to see if they are taller than her, or her teacher. With guidance
she is beginning to plan, make decisions about how to approach a task, solve a problem,
and reach a goal. Furthermore, her fine motor skills continue to progress and she is able
to manipulate material with further control.
With continued guidance, Ameerah is working towards recognizing and expressing her
feelings and emotions appropriately.

4.Johann Simon Mall

Johann continues to come to school with a smile on his face. He is beginning to form new
friendships with peers in his own classroom and in the class above (K4). Johann displays
confidence and is able to cope with changes in routine. In Language Arts, Johann enjoys
listening to stories and pays particular attention to the illustrations.His drawings now have
added details in evidence of his emerging comprehension. For example, he is adding
facial features and expressions to his “character” drawings and is able to dictate how his
“character” is feeling. Johann was not only engaged, but also demonstrated independent
thinking when involved in the play throughout our unit on Children’s Authors. He actively
participates in two - way conversation; sharing his thoughts and views about the books we
read in class.
Johann takes pleasure in his achievements, he enjoys taking on the roles of responsibility
through classroom jobs such as teachers helper, line leader, and attendance monitor.
In Math he has a good understanding of the skills taught in class. He can classify objects
by size, and create a two attribute pattern with the help of a teacher. With guidance, he is
beginning to plan, make decisions about how to approach a task, solve a problem, and
reach a goal. Furthermore, his fine motor skills continue to develop in strength and
dexterity. He is able to cut shapes along the line as well as display how to use large writing
5.Malek Al Mounir
Malek has settled into his preschool environment and has developed a morning drop off
routine. He first settles into a chair, observes his friends and the choices he has, before
making a decision on where to begin, displaying his ability to initiate own play. He
continues to grow in his understanding and ability to speak the English language, having
little to no trouble expressing his thoughts, ideas and feelings. Malek displays confidence
and is able to cope with changes in routine. He confidently participates in class activities
showing pride and satisfaction in his work by sharing his accomplishments with his friends
and teachers. For instance Malek is extremely proud of his emerging ability to read and
write his name and recognize letters of the alphabet in environmental print.
He enjoys taking on the roles of responsibility through classroom jobs such as teachers
helper, line leader, and energy saver. In Math, he has a good understanding of the skills
taught in class. He can classify objects by size, and copy and create a two attribute
pattern with little to no help from a teacher.
Malek demonstrates independence in dressing, personal care and hygiene. He takes
pride in keeping his belongings neat and clean. However, this often leads to distress when
an activity turns messy. This sometimes keeps him from participating and fully engaging
in the process.

6.Teru Hagiwara
Despite a slight language barrier, Teru has shown no trouble adjusting to his new
environment. His language skills have developed considerably from the start of this
quarter. With guidance from a teacher, he is now able to form simple 2 to 3 word
sentences in English. He shows a deeper understanding of the language by being able to
respond to very simple questions in familiar contexts; follow simple one to two-step
directions; recognize letters of the alphabet and cardinal numbers such as 1 - 5 in his
environment. Teru demonstrates early mathematical and reading skills. He cannot only
recognize and write the letters in his name, but he can also recognize the beginning letters
in his classmate’s names. He has a good understanding of the concepts being taught in
class. He enjoys counting with number rhymes and can classify and sort objects by size.
He can identify, extend and create a two attribute pattern with little to no help from a
Teru displays confidence is able to cope with changes in routine. He confidently
participates in class activities showing pride and satisfaction in his work by sharing his
accomplishments with his friends and teachers. For instance he is extremely proud of his
emerging ability to read, recognize and write the letters in his name.
Teru enjoys listening to stories and often revists the books read in the class library corner.
He is beginning to add details to his illustrations, and is able to explain with one word
answers what he has drawn, exhibiting emerging literacy skills. His fine motor skills
continue to develop in strength and dexterity. He is able to cut shapes along the line as
well as display how to use large writing instruments.
Through the roles of classroom jobs, such as lunch monitor, line leader, and teachers
helper, Teru is learning responsibility and applying it towards following directions and
classroom procedures. Classroom jobs have allowed Teru to develop awareness of his
community, and the classroom, and the responsibilities in each. He demonstrates
increasing ability to complete self-help and life skills independently. For example, how to
take turns, share and be patient. With continued guidance, Teru is working towards
recognizing and expressing his feelings and emotions appropriately.

7.Anaya Ali Bhutto

Anaya is making slow and steady gains this reporting period. She continues to come to
school happily ever morning. Through the roles of classroom jobs such as book leader,
water planter, and weather watcher, Anaya is learning responsibility and applying it
towards following directions and classroom procedures. Classroom jobs have allowed
Anaya to develop awareness of her community, the classroom and the responsibilities that
comes with each environment.
Anaya has gained confidence in expressing herself in front of her teachers. She is able to
make choices, select materials/resources and initiate own play. She often prefers playing
in solitary or parallel to her classmates. She needs a gentle nudge towards working with a
classmate. Perhaps initiate and schedule play dates with children from her class and the
class above (K4). It will allow Anaya to form, develop and maintain relationships.
In Language Arts, Anaya listens with increasing attention to stories read aloud. She often
“pretend reads” and revists books that are read in class during large group time. She uses
dialogue, and repeats the playful language of books, adding her own twists to them.
Anaya’s demonstration of reading from memory provides practice with retelling and allows
her to practice navigating a book correctly.
In Math, Anaya can classify objects according to the sizes big and small. With guidance
from a teacher, she can copy a two attribute pattern. She can recognize the numeral 1 - 3
in her environment.

8.Muhammad Abdullah Amin

Abdullah is making slow and steady gains this reporting period. Through the roles of
classroom jobs such as line leader, door holder and energy saver, Abdullah is learning
responsibility and applying it towards following directions and classroom procedures.
Classroom jobs have allowed Abdullah to develop awareness of his community, the
classroom and responsibilities in each, thus creating opportunities for him to listen to and
respond appropriately to questions and instructions. It would benefit Abdullah to continue
these roles of responsibility at home, especially when it comes to cleaning up. Allow him
to clean up after himself after he makes a choice.
Abdullah engages in sustained collaborative play, but often tends to play rough with his
classmates. While it is time to learn through play, such behaviour needs to be regulated to
avoid him following through with aggressive behaviour. . With continued guidance at home
and in school, he can work towards being helpful, caring, respectful and considerate
towards others . In Math, Abdullah can classify objects according to the sizes big and
small. With assistance from a teacher, he can copy a two attribute pattern.
As Abdullah continues to grow within the classroom, he needs to practice his fine motor
skills. It would be of benefit if he was involved in activities that include writing, drawing,
cutting, using tweezers and threading at home as well as school.

9. Raheel Rehman Yusuf

Raheel has made many gains this reporting period. Raheel is engaging in parallel and
collaborative play. He is allowing himself to be comfortable with the idea of working with
another child, and having them in his space. Raheel is displaying confidence while
participating in PE. He no longer needs a gentle nudge to join in, and shows little to no
signs of distress. This development should be used as an opportunity to schedule
playdates with not only children in his class, but also in the other class (K4).
Raheel continues to non-verbally communicate his needs and ideas. When making a
choice at the writing center,he first thinks about what he wants to draw or write, and then
points it out using objects around the classroom or images in childrens books. Raheel
sustains attentive listening in small/large group, which reflects in his ability to respond to to
instructions and directions appropriately.
As Raheel continues to grow, he needs to practice his fine motor skills. It would be
beneficial if he was involved in activities that include writing, drawing, cutting, using
tweezers and threading at home. I would encourage him to try coming to school earlier, so
he does not miss out on t the opportunity to make a choice during center time in the
morning. The benefit of center time is for the teachers to work one - on - one, or in small
groups on an area of development that needs extra attention.

10.Hajra Abdul Qadir

Hajra is making slow and steady progress this reporting period. A main factor for this is
her lack of energy. Hajra hardly participates or engages in classroom activities, circle time,
and specials such as PE. She frequently falls asleep during circle time. In some instances
while standing, eating snack and using the toilet. A fixed sleeping routine and removing
unnecessary distractions before bedtime is needed.
Hajra is able to make choices, select materials/resources and initiate own play. She
engages in collaborative play, but more often prefers playing in solitary, or parallel to her
classmates. She needs a gentle nudge towards working with a classmate. Perhaps
schedule playdates with other children her own age. It will allow her to form, develop, and
maintain relationships.
In Math, Hajra is able to classify objects according to size. With assistance from a teacher,
she is able to copy a two attribute pattern. She is exploring measurement through block
play. She shows particular interest in creating towers to see if they are taller than her, or
her teachers.
11. Eva Haroon
Eva is making slow and steady progress this reporting period. Through the roles of
classroom jobs such as line leader, door holder, and energy saver, Eva is learning
responsibility. Classroom jobs have allowed Eva to develop a sense of awareness of her
responsibilities to the community and classroom. She demonstrates increasing ability to
complete self - help and life skills independently, such as how to share and take turns with
equipment. Her willingness to help makes her a vibrant member of our class. She is
forming new friendships with peers in her own classroom and in the class above (K4).She
happily partnered with her K4 friends for a song and was a confident performer in the
assembly presentation. This development should be used as an opportunity to schedule
playdates with not only children in his class, but also in the other class (K4).
In Language Arts, Eva enjoys listening to stories and pays particular attention to the
details in illustrations.She displayed engagement and demonstrated independent thinking
when involved in play throughout our unit on Children’s Authors. She actively participates
in two - way conversation; sharing her thoughts and views about the books we read in
class.Eva takes pleasure in her achievements. For instance she is beginning to
demonstrate emergent writing through scribing of specific letters from the alphabet. She is
able to spell and write the letters in her name as well as recognize the letter ‘E’ when seen
in print.
One thing Eva does not do, is eat her snack. She often complains she is hungry, but
chooses not to eat. Try working with Eva to figure out what he would like to eat for snacks
and send that with him.

12. Muhammad Ahmed

Ahmed enjoys taking on roles of responsibilities such as line leader, door holder, and
teacher’s helper He follows directions when placed in positions of responsibility. During
play, he wants his friends to join him and tries to involve his friends whenever they are left
out. He is an active participant in group discussions and has no trouble sharing stories
and his thoughts. In Math, he has a good understanding of the skills taught in class. He
can classify objects by size, and copy and create a two attribute pattern with guidance
from a teacher.
Ahmed engages in sustained collaborative play, but often tends to play rough with his
classmates. He continues to show aggression by acting out physically when he does not
get his way. It is very important that Ahmed understands that this behavior is inappropriate
and that all the adults in his life support the seriousness of this concern. At the end of the
session, the adult who picks him up needs to concentrate on watching him and preventing
him from being aggressive towards the other children. It is crucial that Ahmed receive the
same signals regarding his behavior at home and at school.
13. Balaj Yasir

Balaj is making slow and steady progress this reporting period. Through the roles of
classroom jobs such as energy saver, calendar helper and teacher’s helper, Balaj is
learning responsibility and applying it towards following directions and classroom
procedures. Classroom jobs have allowed Balaj to develop awareness of his community,
the classroom, and the responsibilities in each. It would benefit Balaj to continue these
roles of responsibility at home, especially when it comes to cleaning up. Allow him to clean
up after himself after he makes a choice when playing. In Math, Balaj can classify objects
according to the sizes big and small. With assistance from a teacher, he can copy a two
attribute pattern.
As Balaj continues to grow within the classroom, he needs to practice his fine motor skills.
It would be of benefit if he was involved in activities that include writing, drawing, cutting,
using tweezers and threading at home as well as school. Furthermore continue to read to
Balaj as it will continue to spark his imagination, stimulate curiosity and help in the
development of early literacy skills such as the ability to listen, understand words, and
creating awareness that print has meaning.

14. Zoya Khurram

Zoya is an expressive member of our class. She continues to come to school with a smile
on her face. She displays readiness to actively participate in all areas of learning. Zoya is
beginning to form new friendships with peers in her own classroom and in the class above
(K4). This development should be used as an opportunity to schedule playdates with not
only children in his class, but also in the other class (K4).
She displays confidence and is able to cope with changes in routine. In Language Arts,
Zoya enjoys listening to stories and pays particular attention to the details in the
illustrations. Zoya was not only engaged, but also demonstrated independent thinking
when involved in play throughout our unit on Children’s Authors. She actively participates
in two - way conversation; sharing her thoughts and views about the books we read in
Zoya takes pleasure in her achievement, she enjoys taking on the roles of responsibility
through classroom jobs such as teachers helper, water planter, and calendar helper. In
Math she has a good understanding of the skills taught in class. She can classify objects
by size and with the assistance of a teacher, copy a two attribute pattern. Furthermore, her
fine motor skills continue to develop in strength and dexterity. She is able to cut shapes
along the line as well as display how to use writing instruments.

15. Zainab Kashif

Zainab is making slow and steady progress this reporting period. She continues to come
to school happily every morning. Through the roles of classroom jobs such as book leader,
door holder and line leader, Zainab is learning responsibility and applying it towards
following directions and classroom procedures. Classroom jobs have allowed Zainab to
develop awareness of her community, the classroom and the responsibilities that comes
with each environment. Zainab enjoys working with a range of fine motor activities, like
beading, threading, pegging, cutting and stenciling. In Language Arts, Zainab has
developed an appreciation for books. Continue reading at home to Zainab, it will continue
to spark her imagination, stimulate curiosity and help in the development of early literacy
skills such as the ability to listen, understand words, creating awareness that print has
meaning. Furthermore through reading, Zainab will be able to construct new information
on a wide variety of topics.
In Math, Zainab can classify objects according to the sizes big and small. With guidance
from a teacher, she can copy a two attribute pattern.

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