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Friday 5/6
Greetings parents and families,
Tuesday the 10th is Open House. Our classroom will be open from 5:30-7:30, and
multiple other things will be happening on campus. Feel free to come see samples
of all the hard work your student has been doing in class.

Lukes Lego-cy Carnival is June 3rd, and our class is running the Surprise
Wall. Here is how you can help:
Donate goods: We need 50 cans of silly string, candy, and small
goodies and prizes.
Donate time: We will have hour time slots 5-9 in which your
family can run our game (Very simple. Hide, then spray with
goodies or string!), plus set up and tear down. Feel free to
include the younger kiddos, and you can even team up with
another family in our class.
To help, email (Lucass mother). Thank you!
Mr. Jones

1. Read 30 minutes.
Khan Academy
Recently Due
Reading Log (4 days)-Due Fri. AM.
Week 31 Writing Caf-Due Thur. PM.
History Ch. 5 Explorer Notes-Due Thur. PM.
Verse: 2 Kings 2:8-14 (Summary)

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