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My Ty Reflection

So far in Ty I have enjoyed it, we have

went on more trips then we did in 1st ,2nd
and 3rd year combined including trips to
Carlingford and a Japanese restaurant and
we were even giving the chance to go to
Spain on the Camino de Santiago for a
week which I decided not to go on, I can
only imagine what amazing trips could be
available next year. Another nice part of
the TY was the change from regular work
i.e homework and written work to a more
project orientated curriculum, it also gives
you the chance to make new friends with
a lot of the projects and trips in teams or
pairs. Overall I think its a great year and
that it gives you confidence and also
gives you more time to decide on what
you want to do for the leaving cert and in
the future and I cannot recommend it

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