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Olivia Pineda

3726 Rhodes Ln. Baldwin Park, CA 91706 (626)502-0005

May 4, 2016

Ms. Gongora
Sierra Vista High School
3600N. Frazier St.
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
Dear Ms. Gongora:
For my junior paper, I plan to research the controversial issue of art programs in schools and why
they are essential to students and therefore should be kept in schools. Studies have shown that art
helps to release stress and develop the brain. Schools want to take away art programs that are
provided as a class such classes are drama, chorus, art, ceramics, photo etc. Some people argue
that it isnt being used to its advantage and that kids are only using it as a free period. Others
have said that with taking away art they can add more educational classes.
The thesis of my research paper is that by taking away art classes students will have no form of
expression which is especially needed in our age. My points are that studies have shown that
drawing painting listening to music or singing music etc. are great as a way of developing a
growing mind such as the ones in high school. Some kids use it as a form of escape form the
hardships in their daily lives and all they have to look forward to be art class every day.
My understanding of plagiarism and/or misrepresentation is to write down somebody elses ideas
o findings and not give them proper credit. I agree to submit my research paper to, a
web service that checks for plagiarism. I understand that forgery is falsifying a signature. I also
understand that if I were to plagiarize, forge or otherwise misrepresent any aspect of my junior
research paper I will fail Junior English.
Olivia Pineda

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