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Mechanical Faults:

3. Tank protection against pressure:

All faults below oil in a transformer result in localized heating and
breakdown of oil into gasses and vapors.
Minor type faults i.e. hot joint, gas is released slowly.
But in case of major type faults i.e. severe arcing causes rapid release
of large volume of gases.
This action is so violent that gas dont has time to escape but instead it
builds up pressure and results in displacement of oil.

Mechanical Faults:
3. Tank protection against pressure: (Cont)
Devices responding to abnormally high oil pressure or rate of rise of
oil pressure are
Oil Pressure relief device
Rapid pressure rise delay device

3. Tank protection against pressure: (Cont)

Oil Pressure relief device :
Simplest form of pressure relief device is frangible disc.
Located at the end of oil relief pipe protruding from the top of
transformer tank.
Whenever any serious fault occur an oil surge is produced due to which
DISK BURSTS. Which allows the oil to discharge rapidly.
By limiting the pressure rise explosive rupture of the tank and consequent
fire risk is avoided.

3. Tank protection against pressure: (Cont)

Oil Pressure relief device: (Cont)
After rupture, oil remaining in tank is exposed to the atmosphere.

Sudden pressure relief valve. Which opens to allow oil discharge if pressure
exceeds its critical value and then closes automatically if internal pressure falls
below the critical value.

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