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How Are Steroids

Drugs known as anabolic steroids
are made in laboratories and have the same
chemical structure as the steroids found in
the male sex hormone, testosterone.

What Are Steroids?

Anabolic steroids is a drug used in
bodybuilding and sports to increase muscle
mass and enhance performance.

History of Steroids
1930-Anabolic steroids were developed
primarily to treat hypogonadism, a condition
in which the testes do not produce sufficient
testosterone for normal growth,
development, and sexual functioning.
1954-The Soviets team was reported to have
used steroids in the World Weightlifting
Championships in Vienna, Austria. They
dominated the competition and break several
world records. It was John Zeigler, a
physician who said to have a talk to the
Soviets team doctor. And from that
conversation he said that Soviets team used

Side Effects
A few side effect are: acne, blurred vision,
Cataracts or glaucoma, easy bruising,
difficulty sleeping, high blood pressure,
increased appetite, weight gain, and
increased growth of body hair.

Detox, Therapy, Medications, Aftercare

Chemical components

1967-The International Olympic Council

banned the use of anabolic steroids.
1970-Most major sporting organizations had
also banned steroids.

How Are Steroids Used?

Addicts: People who abuse
anabolic steroids usually take them orally or
inject them into the muscles. These doses
may be 10 to 100 times higher than doses
prescribed to treat medical
conditions. Steroids are also applied to the
skin as a cream, gel, or patch.
Medical: Steroids are used as the main
treatment for certain inflammatory
conditions They may also be used
selectively to treat inflammatory conditions.


By: Parm Manan

What Is Cocaine?
Cocaine is an addictive drug derived from
coca or prepared synthetically, used as an
illegal stimulant and sometimes medicinally
as a local anesthetic.

History of Cocaine

How is Cocaine
Cocaine is produced from the leaves of the
coca plant (Erythoxylon coca). The plant
grows almost exclusively in northern and
western South America. The coca plant
grows best in the mountain and jungle areas
of these countries.

1855- Cocaine is born.

1886-Coca-Cola is first introduced by John
Pemberton, containing cocaine laced syrup
and caffeine.
1905-Snorting cocaine becomes popular.
1914-Cocaine banned in United States.
1970-Most major sporting organizations had
also banned steroids.
1980-Freebase cocaine becomes popular


By: Parm Manan

How Is Cocaine Used?

Addicts: People snort cocaine powder
through the nose, or they rub it into their
gums. Others dissolve the powder in water
and inject it into the bloodstream. Some
people inject a combination of cocaine and
heroin, called a Speedball. Popular method
of use is to smoke cocaine that has been
processed to make a rock crystal (also called
"freebase cocaine"). The crystal is heated to
produce vapors that are inhaled into the
lungs. This form of cocaine is called Crack
Medical: Steroids are used as the main
treatment for certain inflammatory
conditions They may also be used
selectively to treat inflammatory conditions.

Side Effects
Some side effects are: extreme happiness
and energy, mental alertness
hypersensitivity to sight, sound, and touch,
irritability and extreme and unreasonable
distrust of others.

Over Dose-Restoring blood flow to the heart
(heart attack), restoring oxygen-rich blood
supply to the affected part of the brain
(stroke), stopping the seizure
cognitive-behavioral therapy, contingency
management, therapeutic communities,

Chemical components

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