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Read the story. Answer the following questions.

This story is about Johnny the little bear. He lived with his parents in a
little cosy house near the jungle. He was the only son in the family. Johnny grew
up happily.
One day, he went out to shoot birds in the jungle with his catapult.
Suddenly, he realised that he had gone far away from his house. He was
frightened, sad and started to cry. Luckily, he met a monkey. The monkeys name
was Rocky. Rocky helped him to find his way home. From that day onwards, they
became good friends.
Rocky taught the baby bear to become bad. They planned to steal fruits
from the rabbits orchard. The rabbit saw them. The rabbit told Johnnys
mother what he had seen. When Johnny returned home, his mother scolded him.
She warned him not to do it again.
Johnny did not listen to his mother. He and Rocky stole fruits again.
Rocky saw a bee hive. He threw a stone at the bee hive. Many bees came out
from the hive and attacked them. Their bodies were covered with bees stings.
Johnny and Rocky cried in pain.
Johnny went home and apologised to his mother. He promised to be a
good bear. Johnnys mother was proud of him. After that, Johnny did not
misbehave any more.

1. Tick

() for the CORRECT statement and (x) for the WRONG statement.
This story is about a mouse named Johnny. (
Johnnys house is near the jungle. (
Johnny does not have any sisters. (
Johnny grew up sad. ( )

2. Circle the correct answer.

Johnny went out to shoot
with his catapult.
a. birds
b. bees

a. laughed

when he realized he was far from home.

b. cried


Rocky the monkey

a. helped


Johnny and Rocky became

a. enemy
b. good friends

b. left

3. Underline the correct answer.

a. Rocky taught Johnny to become (good, evil).
b. They planned to (burn, steal) from the rabbits orchard.
c. Johnnys mother (scolded, advised) him for stealing fruits.

4. Write the correct answer.

a. What did Rocky see when they were stealing fruits?
b. Who threw a stone at the bee hive?

c. What happened when the bees attacked them?


5. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

Johnny went home and
to be a

to his mother. He promised

bear. Johnnys mother was

of him. After

that, Johnny did not


6. Number the pictures from 1-9 according to the correct sequence.





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