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5/20/2010 dreamnine.


Dream nine.


I dreaded this coming dream from its sequence in

the outline dream. But there were several nights of
unremarkable dreams that I could not remember
before this nightmare came. The entity took me to
another meeting in the capital. This time the
meeting reminded me of a movie where the Nazis
were trying to decide what to do with all those
millions of Jews they had in ghettos. The decision
was to kill them all using poison gas.

This meeting had other priorities, the ecological

problems, the lack of animals for food, the lack of
enough food for everybody, and the feeding of all
these inmates in the camps. Also there was
stubborn resistance among these inmates; most
would not take the chip, no matter what torture /
“reeducation” was applied. Something wild had to
be tried.

Cannibalism was suggested as an answer. We

need meat, we have all these malcontents. Just
killing them was a waste. After all, nobody really
benefited by murdering 15 million people and
burning their bodies during WWII. You got their
possessions, and gold teeth, etc. but wasted all
that nutrition. And you were left with a stinky

Set up slaughter houses in the camps and ship out

meat to the public as pork products. Once skinned,
gutted, beheaded, feet and hands removed, and
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split a human carcass looks and tastes like pork.

And when smoked you have bacon and ham. When
it is ground up you have burger and sausages. The
public will not know where the meat comes from
and will bless us for the food. The inedible parts
could by used like animal byproducts are today.
And we keep their clothes, valuable artificial parts,
organs for transplanting, and possessions then sell
them to the highest bidder. No waste, no mess,
nobody will know.

They could not find a better incentive to get the

unmarked to choose to get the mark. Willingly get
the mark or be meat. The prospect of dying instead
of taking the mark was mild, compared with being
cooked alive and then served for dinner.

So the orders were given. The facilities were setup

and started operating. Several million were about
to become food. Thousands who received the
implant were programmed to forget this
monstrosity or else they would share the fate of
those who refused the implant.

The slaughter house looked like the images from

“Dolcett”. There were so many ways to kill and
cook the "meat". The simplest was a guillotine.
Then the body was hung upside down, gutted,
skinned, hands and feet removed, and cut in half.
Then off to the supermarket, just like pork, beef,
lamb, etc.

There was a grading process and deformed or

sickly looking “pigs” were smoked and made into
bacon, ham, and sausage.

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There was a specialty area for grade “A” meat and

by coincidence these were the inmates that were
the most troublesome. This was more like the
Spanish inquisition. Large ovens would cook
people alive and whole, trussed up like turkeys.
Large deep fat fryers to boil you in oil like French
fries. Large glass cylindrical pots would surround a
body with the head secured above the cover. Gas
burners were under the cylinder. The pot would be
filled with water and the dinner was boiled alive
like a lobster. I can only imagine how much that
hurt. The worst was the live barbecue. The victim
was either tied to a spit or spitted through the
body and then roasted on a rotisserie over a slow
fire. Diners would wait to watch their dinner writhe
and die in pain. Then party for hours as the dinner
was slowly cooked. These diners were the ones
who ran the camps. They kept the secret, lest they
would also be on the menu.

There it was; the worst of the cannibal nightmares

that were ever in a movie. It was a combination of
the French Revolution, the Spanish Inquisition, the
persecution of the Christians under Nero, Nazi
concentration camps, and modern slaughter house

The concentration camps’ slaughter houses were

being filled daily and the meat trucks left nightly.
Little smoke, no pollution, no waste, no bad
smells, no ashes, or poison gas emanated from
these factories. Most people being processed did
not spend one night in the factory, alive.

The byproducts were processed on site and sent

to various factories, like before, with animals.
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Identifiable parts were ground up and used make

ground meat products, just like today. Clothes and
possessions were sold to buyers far away. Gold
was melted down into ingots. This was an efficient

Relatives were told that their loved one died of

something or other, was cremated, and the ashes
were spread in the sea, etc. With this; only rumors
were to be feared. And the people with the
implants were so distracted that they really did
not care what happened in the camps. Or even if
the camps existed. If you ask too many questions
you too may vanish. Besides now there was food
to eat.

This is how it worked; you arrived by truck to the

factory, your paperwork was processed and you
were made to strip. The inspectors decided your
meat grade. You were shaved of all hair and
showered. The operation was very hygienic. Each
grade went into a different door. The lowest
grades went to a guillotine. Then they were gutted,
skinned and cut up. The meat or organs that could
be sold were separated, and some were sent to
the smoke house to be turned into bacon and ham.
The rest was ground up to become patties or link

The next grade also went to a guillotine. Then they

were hung upside down, gutted, skinned, hands
and feet cut off, and then sawed in half. They went
to supermarkets and butcher shops.

The grade “A” meat processing was mentioned

above. They were cooked and fed to the camp and
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factory personnel.

The entity finally leveled with me, though he feared

that this would alert the creators of the implant in
the future. The "inventor" had taken the implant
and the nanobots from a dead friend and disposed
of his body. He then put the implant, etc. into his
bio-computer. He then used it to stay hidden and
record what was going on. He stole his friend’s
identity and could get everything that implanted
people could, without losing his soul to the
leader’s brainwashing. Then he found the trap door
in the system that allowed for mind and sensory
reading of anyone with the implanted chip. This
way he had found out the secrets that he recorded
and wanted to show. He avoided detection by
programming his bio-computer to play recorded
scans of others when pinged. He had become a
Christian and could find much in the Bible that
corresponded to the events of the day. The
problem was; no one would believe this. If he put
this data on the internet, he would be ousted, the
data blocked, and propaganda machine would
swamp his truth with lies.

Most of the time I thought he was dead and this

was his ghost or an angel. I guessed that he was
using some “time vision system” to project these
images. The entity explained the mechanism. The
bio-computer was made up of trillions of specially
engineered human brain cells attached to a
crystalline ultra-processor with the equivalent of
billions of CPU's and a number of memory bytes
with so many zeros that the name escapes me.
There was an "artificial" intelligence operating
system and a life support system. This system was
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the size of a large old desk computer. It had to be

fed and cared for like a puppy.

The bio-computer could send and receive data

from any implant and to and from the "living /
spiritual" dimensions, that were timeless. This is
the same channel we feel, hear, or see God,
angels, demons(ghosts, UFOs, black magic, little
green men etc.). Many call it spiritual gifts, ESP,
precognition, deja-vu, or intuition. Everybody,
especially children, has this ability, but most of us
are too distracted / busy to use it. People
experience this during near death experiences.
The implanted people were either no longer
sensitive to this or determined to use this channel
only for the dark side. Spiritually sensitive people
would receive this data as dreams, visions,
imaginations, and the thoughts and feelings that
just seem to appear. This way specific warnings
could be passed on "spiritually", without
interference from the government or media.
Sensitive people would know that trouble was
coming and be prepared. A byproduct was
transmissions back along the dimension of time.
This is why the entity appeared like a ghost or
angel. And could be why these images were similar
to writings, stories, movies, and imaginations from
many cultures and past ages.

The entity told me that the scientist who used it

was being hunted and would probably end up as a
grade “A” dinner. All this time, I was
communicating with a spiritual computer.

I woke up. I had seen movies like this, but there

usually was a rescue of the damsel in distress,
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before the evil villain did his dirty work. Not this
time. The Holocaust movies were closer to these

I wrote this down and was glad these dreams were

over. I put these dreams on the web, as instructed.
I know that the reader will think this is just a
fantasy. Or, will it become true? Sweet dreams.

Joel 2: 28-31 “After this, I will pour my spirit on

everyone. Your sons and daughters will prophesy.
Your old men will dream dreams. Your young men
will see visions. In those days I will pour my spirit
on servants, both men and women. I will work
miracles in the sky and on the earth: blood, fire,
and clouds of smoke. The sun will become dark,
and the moon will become as red as blood before
the terrifying day the Lord comes.”

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