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.Name: Allam Rebhi M. Abu Mwais
.Nationality: Palestinian
.(Date & Place of birth: March 8, 1987 (Jenin - Palestine
.Sex: Male
.Marital Status: Single
For Correspondence
.Almogaer, jenin, Palestine
.Tel: 0097242518282
.Jawwal: 00972-599645597

.Computer Engineering (79.5), Alquds University :2005-2010
.General Examination Board (92.8), Jenin, Palestine :2005 -2004
Software Experience
.Programming Language C++, Java,, Php, Mblab
:Applications packages
.General mathematics:Matlab
.Electronic packages: Work Pinch, Pspice, Orcad
.Office: Microsoft Office 2003 & XP
.Graphic Design: Photoshop, 3D Max, Autocad
Web Browsers: Internet Explorer, FireFox. I have a certifucate for my Gradulation
project at the 3rd palestinian international Conference on computer and information
.(Technology(PICCIT 2010) Organized by palestine Polytechnic university (PPU

:Operating System
.DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP
:( Professional Qualifications ( Training
.ICDL, Alnoor Center, Jerusalem :2006
.Java, Alnoor Center, Jerusalem :2007, Alnoor Center, Jerusalem :2007
.CCNA, Sae'd Koori, Alquds University :2009
I have a certifucate for my Gradulation project at the 3rd palestinian international *
Conference on computer and information Technology(PICCIT 2010) Organized by
.(palestine Polytechnic university (PPU

.Excellent in working & typing with both Arabic & English Languages
.Excellent communication skills special in work field
.Excellent marketing, negotiations & presentation skills
.Working under stress & hard conditions for long hours

:Activity & community involvement

Work with group of student & teacher in project to train schools student many
.important things in their life
.Active number in many clubs in Alquds University
.Work with public relation department in Alquds University
"Fluent Mother language "Arabic
.Very good in English language
.Available on request

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