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Nyctophobia - Scared of the dark?

Nyctophobia - Fear of the dark or of the night.


Nyctophobia (fear of the dark) is a common childhood fear that many people continue to suffer from as adults.
There are many different reasons why children and adults are scared of the dark. Likewise, there are a multitude of
possible solutions to help you or your children overcome this fear. Solutions include: nightlights, torches, different
coloured light bulbs, leaving a light on in the hallway, glow in the dark stars or stickers etc...a creative solution is to
transform the bedroom ceiling into an amazing night sky with glow in the dark paints. Nyctophobia is a phobia
characterized by an acute fear of the darkness. It is triggered by the mind’s disfigured perception of what would or
could happen when in a dark environment. Remember, that you are not alone with your Nyctophobia!

Being scared of the dark is one of the most common childhood fears, one that many people carry with them into
adulthood, but perhaps are afraid to admit to anyone?

Why would your fears continue into adulthood... you know there are really no monsters under your bed or hiding in
your wardrobe – right? There are in fact a number of reasons why you may be afraid of the dark. Perhaps your
parents were not very understanding or tolerant of your fears when you were a child? Maybe they just closed your
bedroom door, turned the lights off and left you to cry in the dark, hiding under your sheets. So you lie there
watching the shadows, your curtains move in the slightest of draughts and the house around you where you are
supposed to feel safe, settles down for the night with all its creaks and strange noises. Your imagination runs wild
and you end up even more scared than you were before the door closed. We all know that our imaginations are
much more creative than reality – how many times have you been watching a scary movie and the camera angle
changes so you cannot see what happens, but you can hear it and you imagine a scene more terrifying than the
director could ever recreate on screen for you?

Often our fears our passed on from our parents – if Mum screams whenever there is a spider in the room – then
naturally her children may well develop their own fear of spiders or something else. However irrational our fears
may seem to observers the feelings of anxiety and panic that you may experience are very real. A full phobia such as
Nyctophobia (fear of the dark or night) may have many causes and some people never really grow out of it. If you
now have children of your own and want to help them sleep peacefully – there are many possible solutions without
having to resort to shutting them in their rooms to just deal with it. Talking about their fears and providing
reassurance, leaving a light on in the hallway, coloured light bulbs, glow in the dark stickers and there are so many
different night lights and torches on the market these days. However you could end up spending a small fortune on
batteries. You may have heard about creating a relaxing environment in which to fall asleep. One possible way of
doing this is to create an amazing night sky on your very own bedroom ceiling – is there anything more relaxing than
stargazing from the comfort and warmth of your very own bed!

Nyctophobia is a phobia characterized by an acute fear of the darkness. It is triggered by the mind’s disfigured
perception of what would or could happen when in a dark environment (definition from Wikipedia).

Remember that you are not alone with your Nyctophobia!

Overcome your fear of the dark or help your children fall asleep peacefully with their very own night sky.

Please feel free to visit: for more information about the many benefits of
creating your very own universe on your bedroom ceiling.


dark, scared, fear, anxiety, panic, children, solutions, light, nightlight, torch, glow, stickers, bedroom, night, stargazing, night sky, universe, stars

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