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Lucy’s Achievement

Lucy made a very good progress. She responded accurately to
greetings, farewells, spelled her name. Named and counted shell
and cockles up to 20. Her vocabulary was extended. Played with
shapes and learned to identify them in Spanish by finger shaping
them saying the name aloud: cuadrado, rectangulo, circulo,
hexagono. She asked for her favourite ice cream, helado de
chocolate y fresa. Identified her preferred fruit and flower with their
real colours; el tulipan rosa, la manzana roja. Learned names of toys
and made sentences: mi muñeca, tomo fotos con la camara. We
played in a circle singing nursery rhyme; “a la rueda de pan y
canela..” Painted and recited colours: rojo, amarillo, verde, purpura.
Protected against the sun by wearing ,under my instructions;
sombrero, gafas de sol. Pretended to be un astronauta en la nave
espacial! Well done Lucy!! 

Summer Term 2010

Spanish together at Jack and Jill’s
With Marta

Ella’s Achievement Certificate

Awarded a *red star and an excellent sticker for very good progress and
for completing her clown which she coloured with her favourite colours;
rojo, verde, blanco y negro. Loves talking in Spanish, told me: mi mama
viene a recogerme (my mother is picking me up!). She pretended to be a
builder by putting a helmet on, said; casco protector para construir.
Played with grey box, repeated action words: abrir, cerrar. Pointed to a
postcard of Valencia, España as her place for a holiday. Described fruit
she was eating; manzanas rojas, peras amarillas. New words; la moto roja
y azul, la rana verde. Counted cards, seashells and cockles 1-10 with
good intonation. Nursery rhyme singing and dancing; “a la rueda de pan y
canela” Showed me her summer clothes: camiseta, pantalones, zapatos.
Identified crema para el sol. She joined a birthday celebration by singing
Feliz Cumpleaños! Enjoyed a piece of chocolate cake, tarta de chocolate.

Summer Term 2010

Spanish together at Jack and Jill’s
With Marta

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