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Poppy, opium poppy.

Without the opium it is just another flower.
It is just a poppy.
I like poppy seeds, but I love opium.
Opium equals Heroin.
Notice how I capitalized Heroin but not opium.
Nor did I capitalize poppy because it is just a flower.
I did however capitalize it at the beginning of the sentence because that is a rule
of grammar.
As a Heroin addict, it is a rule to capitalize Heroin.
Not because of grammar but because it is a way of Life.
In some cases it is Life and in most of these cases also is death.
But you ask, how something so simple can,
something as beautiful as a poppy an opium poppy
be fatal when as I mentioned prior to this question that
Heroin is death, but also Life.
Life is not fatal, Life is loving. Life is capitalized.
Heroin is capitalized.
Poppy, Opium poppy.

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