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In the month of Angst!! I was founded by my

nephew, Dr. Station, profisfior of medicine in the
aniverfity of St. Andrew-. ; hot he found no (bane,
whkh he attributed to a wrong pawn I was in,
when be fonmintme.
During the Wow, if I walked mar than label,
1 we km to hare a =turn of the bloody wine xtui
. In November 77;y, I was founded by Mr. Bel-
datione, furgeon, in Edinburgh, a gentleman very
expert inthonopetEino. ,and lIkewife by Dr. Drum-
mond of Perthfhire. They both diftinEtly felt a
flow and 1 myfelf took hold of the catheter, when
it was in my bladder, and felt the Rune as diftindly,
if it bad leirs in my band.
About Chrilhens I was breed with a pot along
the left meter, and violent vomiting,: hat, upon
ofing a turpentine clyftet and opiates, it went off.
Dining the year 1736, I continued rnuch the
fime as the preceding year, always drinking great
plenty of milk and water ; which gave me great
relief, as to the bloccly urine.
I was advikd by my nephew, Dr. Sinaloa, to go
to London, acid he ow hyMr.Chsfelden r the reft of
my friends advifing me to be cut by Mr. Smith, a
lithournift at Perth. However, I deferred the opera-
tion, and contimwd much the CUM all the year 0737,
hark% (evert its now and then.
In the yew iy311 Sir Alexander Gibfon, of Ad-
diAon, informed me, that he had been in my con-
dition, had paled feveral fmall (tonna, and had (nand
incredible fervice from thc life of foap pilh : for,
kom not being able to get out of bed, in thc flare

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