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Were the more follicitous he fhould do, as he was

founded before by Dr. &Luton, who had declared
them was no none. But thc particular magnitude of
it we could not well determine st the and of a long
catheter; thin I remember Mr. Balderftone, who was
well 'erred.' in that bufinefs, conjedured it to be
potty large- He was founded only once by us, as
the urethra was a little hurt by turning the catheter.
There is only one circumflaurs in the cafe, which Mr.
Sindon forms to have omitted ; thafrom thc firft
fyrnptoms of the none., he paired a great deal of
nun. mired with pie, as well as blood ; and great
quantities of &tiny red fend, all in (Ingle grains, ne-
ver any concreted into finall bones. I take the
more notice of this, as l do not mamba, that, after
he ufed the foap, be CM paned my food, but a
good deal of mum, in Much the CoaP was dif-
constable by its frothing. Could the gritty particles
of fand be again furpended in the urine, fo as to be-
notoniooitibicP or were they wrapt up in the foapy
liquid, fo as to efcape obfavation I have leen fe-
veral bones of a foft confine:Ice diffolved into mu-
cilage by fcap t but the fond paBsel by Mr. Saigon,
before he ufed the foap, kerns to indicate his none
of a harder nature, dad indeed it Mt chink at the
end of the coaster.
I ihall rejoice, if many Milano= of this kind are
found but this Moos to be the only one
yrt, of a llonc the bladder being diffolved by foap
alone. I am,
Dear Daher,
5. your moil humble Savux,
Adam Drummond.

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