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-Greek and Panhipn Legend, never Infer, faqir/.

I. a Letter from the Rev. John Swinton, M. A.
of Chria-Church, Oxon, P. R.S. to the Rev.
Tho. Bkch, D. D. Secret. R S. P..75.
XXIII. An Aroma of a Red Card from the Eall-
India, of a key *goner Kind: I. a Letter from
Mr. John Ellis, F. R. S. to Mr. Peter Collinfon,
P. R S. p. 189.
XXIV. A. Account of the Elia, of a Stern at
Wigton in Cumberland. Comeneeketed by Mr.
Phdip Miller, F. R. S. P.094-
XXV. Ars Amara of tk Ern% of Lighter:leg soon
the Steeple end Chord of Lellwithiel, Cornwall ;
in a Letter to the Right Holeourabk the EA.! of
Macclesfield, PreEient of lb. R.S. Ey Mr. John
Snacaton F. R. S. II. 098.
XXVI. AI; AlT01011 Of the Cali of the Lote Rigid
Honourable Horace Lord Wilpok ; king a Seised
to bie non &mot kehbfbed in the Phdo(ophscal
Tranfaelions, Fed. 211,0. p. 4.3 and 472. p. 20S.
Poliftript to Dr. Whyte, Oblervatiest on Lord
Walpok'r Cafe. p. 385.
'own Aw Amok of the Finset of Sney ix
faking the Stone, ix tbe Cafe of the Rev. Mr.
Matthew Sionpion. Cosoornikted by John Pringle,
F.R.S. p. 2 2 I.
XXVIII. ..* Account e the hepregioni of Plante
on 15, Slate, ty'Coah : .In a Letter to the Right
HOMY rat George Earl of Maccksfield, Frefident
of de RS. from Mr. Emanuel Mendes da Cob.
F. R. S. p.
XXIX. A &Worm of the Fifty Nunn from Chol-
la. Garden, prefix:a to tk Royal Society lry ok
sokyliNal Cowpony of Ayotbecaria, for tte Tear

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