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The Mock was not equally loud or violent. Its

extant was fan: the Bev of Scilly caftward La far
ax Lifkerd, and towards the north as far as Came--
ford ; thro' which diltriel I hall trace it, accordin
to the bell informations I could procure.
In the ifland of St. Mary, Scilly, the (hock was
violent. On the fhores of Cornwall, oppo6te to
Scilly (in the prarith of Senan, ncar the Land's-a:4)
the noik was heard like that of fpinningmhavel on
a chamber-floor. Below ftsieselsre wrs cry, that
the hook was.flsking ; tfile beak p.m mul pew-
ter rattled one againft another in fawn1 honks in the
fame parifh. In the adjoining parilh of St. Juft. two
young men being then Minuning, felt a hong and
very aural aptation of the few In the town of Pen-
ranee, in one hook the chamber-bell rag; in an-
other thc pawns...plates, placed edgewayi on a (half,.
(hilted, ad flid to one CDS3 of the (hell: and it war
every-where perceived mow or leis, accordingas pco-:
pica attention was engaged... -
At Trevailer, the feat of William Veale,
about two miles from Penzance, the noife was heard.;
and thought at &II to be thunder thc windows
Lhook, and the walk of the parlour, wham Mr.
Vole fat, sifibly moved. The jarring of the win.-
dows confinued near half a :Amok ; but the motion .
of the walls not quite fo long : and funk makes,
being at workon a contiguous new building, the up-
right poles of the fcaffolds thook fo violently, that,
kr fear of falling, thcy laid hold on the walls,
which, to their (lilt grcater furprize, thcy found agi-
tated in the fame manner. And a perfon preknt,
who was at London at the tima of the two Chocks in

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