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naccning in the middle of a fen, Rock fait ia mud as

deep as his tura He was very voracious, and would
frequently call for fomething to cat ; which was the
only indication he gave of his knowing any thing. No
kind of filth Pe nAlmefs tan tc conceived, which he
would not eat or drink without dillindion. He ap-
peared to be as in as he really was ; for he was become
a mob Chocking fpetlacic He was fo much emaci-
ated, that he feemed to have no flefb upon his bones;
and his body fo di/toned, that hc was rendered quite
a cripple. His parents conflated a phyfician at Nor-
wich, who very judicioully (as it will appear) con-
fidered his diforder as a worm-eafe, and prebribed
for it accordingly ; but (being afraid, I prefutne, to
give too violent medicines to the boy) without fun-
nels. In fhort, he was fo fingularly al:bitted, that
his parents told me they could not help thinking him
under louse evil influence.
It was oblerved, that his diforder varied, and genv
work, at certain periods of the moon.
In dick mificable eircumflaoces the poor boy con-
tinued to languifh, till he was about eleven years of
age (July ;Try), when he occidentally found a mix-
ture of white lead and oil, which had fome tillIC
before been prepared for fome purpofe of painting,
let by on a bleb., and placed, as it was thought, out
of his reach. There was near hall' a pint of this
mixture when he found it ; and, as he did not leave

It it not improbable, that a conlidemble portion of whiting

'Mph, be ufed mflead a pare white lead, which is frequently
Sone and chi, Yoppoction ra Meowed by the mirtureh not proving
faml to the toy, a* holt anomaly of white Iced in ell peobabdey


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