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r 635 3

If my Ray here had been longer, I had continued

my oblervations r and perhaps ()mold have made Come
difeoveries. It belongs to the academicians of Born-
dear.: to pull theme oblirvations furthcr, if they
think proper.
From the Entrance tithe Peyffonel.
row of Soweto., the
eth d Augufl, 5716.

LXXXVIL tint Ammo of tbe Wa-

ter frelb from Sea-water ly Wood-albes.
By Capt. William Chapman : .1 a Letter
to John Fothergill, M. D.

Whale, sorb se our Fcb 170.

E,ne AP, 5
I H Y kind acceptance of my all
emboldens mc to inform thee,
how, on my return from a voyage to thc north part
of Ruff., I procured a fulficient quantity of kill
matcr from ka-water, without taking with me either
infiruments or ingredients esgeefsly for the purpok.
Some rime in September IA, when I had been
ten days at feu by an accident (off the north cape of
Finland) we loft the grenteft part of our seater. We
had a hud gale of wind at fouth-well, which conti-
fl lied three weeks, and drove us into 73v lat. During
rhis time I was very uncafy, as knowing, if our,
Wrap fhould bold out long, we mutt be rechned to
great finite; for we had no rains, but frequent fogs,
which yielded water in vaxlmall quantities. I now
4M blamed

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