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[ 703 ]

Obiennathnis Metficameetoram, gut tic state itr afi,

fine, printed at London in 1188, in tiro, mentions,
that on the firft night of the appearance of thc dif-
kale about fix hundred fell lick of it t and that the
next night an hundred more were feimd in the villages 1
near Oxford. Lord Bacon, in his Natural li Airy, evi-
dently refers to this, and one or two more inftances
of the fame kind, in the following paffage, Century
X. N°. 914. The moll pernicious inkftion next
the plague is the of the goal, where prifoners
. have been long and dote and nattily kept; where-
. of wc have had in our time CarlienCa twice or
" thrice, when both the judges, that fat upon the
. goal, and numbers of thok, that attended the
bufmcfs, or were prefent, fickened upon it, and
died. Therefore It were good wifdoin, that itn
fuch cafes the goal were aired before thcy be
brought forth." We have likewife an account ha
Mr. Anthony Wood (i), that at the quarter-Idiom
at CambriJge, in Lent in the year Apr, and the-
3 th of the reign of Henry VIII. the juffices, gen-
tlemen, Ind bailiffs, with moll of the perfons pre-
knt, were kind with a difeale, whkh proved mor
tal to a confiderabk number of them thole, who.
afeard, having been very dangeroully fick. With
regard to the unhappy inflancc of the fame kind of
contagion, which happened at the talon in the Old
Baily in May 17/0, fee Dr. Pringle's excellent work,
intitled, Wenn:inn oa the tf the Army no
Camp end in Garynt (1).

(t.:)) Ohm ubi fupa.


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