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L 741

To make therefore two fpherical glaffet, that (hall

rebid thelight in cootrary direftions, it ie eat', 1.-
111)&111nd, that-One-mull be concave, and the other '
convex ; and as the rays are to converge to a real
focus, the excels of refraftion mat evidently be in
the convex ;and as the convex is to refraft moll, it
appears from the experiment, that it mult be made
with crown glafs, and the concave with white flint
And further as the refraetiorir of fpherical glaffa
are in an inve'ffe ratio of their focal diftances ; it
follow., that the focal diflences of the two glace
lhoold be inverfely aethe =kit of the fraelions of
the wedges for being thus proportioned, every ray
of light, that pales thro' this combined glafs, at
whatever dillance it may pals from its axe, will con-
Randy be refrafted, by the difference between two
contrary refradtions, in the proportion required ; and
therefore the different refrangibility of the light will
be intirely removed. "

Having thus got rid of the principal caufe of the

imperfcdion of rcfraebng telelelcopes, there teemed
to be nothing more to do, but to go to work upon
this principle : but I had not made maiy attempts, '
before I found, that the minaret of age' =pediment
had introdueed anothei-equally detrimentai (the fame
es I hal &fore found in taio eaffes with water be-
tween them): for the two glalles, that were to be
combined together, were the fegments of very deep
fphcres; and therefore the aberrations' from the (ph,
veal fade.s became very confider:bit) and greatly
difturbed the diflinetnefs of the image. The this
appeared at firft a very great difficulty, yet I was

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