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I recommend this study to be focused more especially as to with health care providers,

since this case study would serve as a guideline on how to render effective nursing care.

Doctors and nurses in the hospital should give the best care and medical assistance that they

could give to all patients. The hospital should also provide proper ventilation, relaxing and clean

environment to the patients to promote healing.

 After conducting this case study we recommend to all our patients that they should

start as early as today to observe family planning since over population is one of the major

problems in the country. The patient was also encouraged to breastfeed her baby because it

can help strengthen the immune system of her child. Whatever the doctors has prescribed as

their medication should be taken completely even if she feels better for faster recovery.

I also recommend to other student nurses who where given the opportunity to conduct

the said case study to implement nursing care truthfully to their patient in order to restore the

energy and strength of the mother after delivery.

As we continue serving our life to others, we have shown them that we gave all the best

to them. Therefore, as we progress from being student nurses, we should be mindful enough to

know what large responsibility to care for a living being, it is LIFE we are holding in our hands,

there should be no room for committing mistakes, but we can’t avoid it, but still we should be

mindful that mistakes should be minimal or non at all.

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