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University of the Philippines Manila


Palo, leyte

Learning Log week 6

I used to think that this topic which is promote hygiene and comfort will help me to be having
broad understanding on how to give hygiene to my patient and also giving comfort for them.

Now I know that Personal cleanliness helps the individual to maintain a positive body image and
helps protect the body against disease such as infection. Comfort may be described as ease or
wellbeing; for people to feel comfortable their physiological, psychological and spiritual needs
must be met. Good personal hygiene is one of the best ways to protect yourself from getting
illnesses such as gastroenteritis and the common cold. Washing your hands with soap removes
germs that can make you ill. Maintaining good personal hygiene will also help prevent you from
spreading diseases to other people. And Comfort may. be more likely to be the driving force for
patients. obtaining healthcare services than health itself. This patient need, coupled with nursing
interventions to assist them in identifying and implementing constructive ways
of promoting their own comfort needs, will help to achieve an optimal state of health

However, I am not sure if my return demonstration for this week is rightly correct, because this
is my first time to do with this kind of skill. But I am hoping that someday I could develop this.

I hope/plan to study more about this topic, for me to be knowledgeable and above all to be
having wisdom, the application of what I have learned.

I found the activity downloading my files, modules and assignment easy because to the good
internet connection. Only uploading my video in google drive difficult because it has a big mega
bites needed just to upload it.

I found the activity doing bed bathing, and bed shampooing difficult because as what I have said,
this is my first time to demonstrate and to learn this skill.

I hope there would be a change in the way of learnings, because it is very hard to study with this
new normal.

Overall, I feel satisfied because even though this is my first time doing new skills in my course, I
am happy and making this enjoyable experience.

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