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Chapter 7: Sentence meaning and propositional content

A proposition is expressed by a sentence but one proposition can be assigned
to a number of sentences or even phrases.
Eg1: They murdered innocent people.
They murder of innocent people.
Innocent people were murdered.
=> 3 sentences are different in form, but they have the same semantic
content, called proposition.
Eg2: I bought a radio in Singapore.
It was a radio that I bought in Singapore.
It was in Singapore that I bought this radio.
=> 3 sentences express one proposition but they differ in focus.
I. Proposition.
1.1 Definition.
A proposition is defined as the invariant meaning expressed by a sentence,
devoid of any modality.
* The proposition theory may fit certain meaning facts as follows:
- The difference between meaningful and meaningless one is that the
former expresses propositions and the latter do not.
- Two sentences are synonymous when they express the same
- Two sentences are ambigous when they express different
* It’s necessary to distinguish between the true- value of a ptoposition and
the truth- condition of a sentence:

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