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Iota Xi Chapter

September 09, 2010

In attendance
Dr. Mandana Ahsani
Professor JoAnne Kennedy
Professor Karen Smidt
Diana P. Gonzalez
Ibtissam A. Abdallah
Maria C. Braga
Bobby O’Rourske
Amanda Saffer
Gloria E.Blanco
Robyn Samuel
Brian Silva
Daniel Marques
Denisa Dundova
Winson Kwok
Daniel Delmo
Melissa Hernandez
Jorge Villacreses
Kristy Lopez
Joan Ikinya
Adenike Okeowo
1. Latino Heritage Week
• The Latino Week will start Tuesday the 21st and they need
volunteers. There is a sign-up sheet to whoever is interested. On
the 23rd , is the Latino night and the entire college community is
invited to attend.
2. Recap Pakistan Relief Walk
• According to Ibtissam, due the lack of permit on labor day, the
race was canceled. However, they are rearranging the situation
and Kegay will update us about the date.
3. Official Calendar 2010-2011
• Dr Ahsani has put together a calendar, but the dates might
• The luncheon will coincide with the NJ Leadership Conference, so
we will divide the officer team. In the luncheon, we start to set up
at 11, and start at 12. After 45 minutes for lunch, we’ll have a
speaker. Daniel is persuading Dr. Russell for this luncheon’s
speaker. We might have an extended speaker period (perhaps 2
hours), including the questions, in place of the usual hour that we
had in the past. In case Prof. Russell can’t, Daniel has as a back-up
Prof Rice or Garcia.

4. Membership Package & Orientations

• Dr. Schmidt got the membership package. However it needs to
have some things changed like dates and names in the letter,
besides adding events that will be happening like the blood drive,
book sale, and bake sale (which will happen for 3 days).

• We might have a beach clean up on the spring semester and also

a recycling of small gadgets.

• This year, we have 220 invitations. So, we might have some 50 or

60 copies for the fresh members consisting of: brochures, photo
release, application and t-shirt order form. A sign-up sheet for
orientation went around for the 16th and the 25th. During those
meeting we will pass a sign-up sheet for the book sales around.

We need to revise the criteria to PTK membership.

5. Blood-drive and Halloween Bake-sale
• The sign up for the blood drive will be from the 21st to the 23rd of
September. The books sale is from October 4-8. Set up will be on
Sunday, October 3rd. The bake sale is from October 27th to the
29th. Non-members cannot staff the tables, and it was decided
that sign-up sheets shouldn’t go in the bulletin board. We’ll stick to
orientations, interviews and meetings for volunteers.
6. Bulleting Board, Web Site, Chapter Website, and Email to
Student Body
• Bulletin Board: Kristy and Amanda will start putting things up
today after meeting. Daniel said that the only location what there
can be in Elizabeth is a little hidden. According to Joan, we got
clearance in the Plainfield campus.

• Web site: Daniel finished the proposal and will present it to Pres.
McNemming. Daniel has to contact Joan.

• Chapter Website: Titles were changed and now committee leaders

and officers can write on the website. Kristy made a point to
always try to tie in whatever happening to the hallmarks.

• Email to student body: Wilson needs more information about the

orientation, hallmarks and the honors topic. Email will be out on

7. Honors in Action and College Project

• Kristy will pass around the committees for the Creative committee
and they will brainstorm ideas for the mural. We have to get
started with an image of unemployment.

• Jorge will be passing around a sign-up sheet for a research

concerning our honors topic. Dr. Lee will help with the

• An email was send to Prof. Brophy and Diana will meet with the
other clubs to networking for future endeavors (like funds and men
8. Presidential Breakfast

• We gor room L-301 for the breakfast. Gloria prepared an Estimate

for the Presidential Informative Breakfast and we agreed on the
$112 dollars combo.

Items left for future adjourn:

• Hallmarks Writing – Daniel

• Honors Seminars – Maria

• Officer Team Review Form and Elections

• New Business
Next Meeting:

Thursday, September 16, 2010 from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm

in the Admiral Stanley room in the Library building.

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