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(Seven green principles-Green environment living)

Submitted by

(Aurora Scientific and Technological Institute)

Imagine if we design a robot and feed the green concepts

into it. The first step it takes is start killing humans.
In short, fulfilling needs is generally more basic than
wants. For every need, there must be an adaptive
response, an adaptive design strategy.
First green law:
“Postpone the things which come under wants for
the future”
Green – In Our Day To Day Life

We all like music. We want entertainment. We believe in

todays culture and life style which is lacking everything.

As we all are strongly interested in building good future.

We should stop something which is not supporting nature.
Grey water

global warming


unlimited waste regeneration

Second green law:

learn from nature. Give chance to life to teach you.

What ever happens, life never been wrong.
Ask these questions to yourself:

1. How does life makes thing?

2. How does life make most of things?

3. How does life makes “things” disappear into systems?

Man has to disappear into nature and should create

forests again!
I remember a small parable: A fish became philosophic and started
searching ocean. This is our own example.

 Green is everywhere and we are busy in designing green. Teach

people that change has to come in individuals more than making
creative designs.
Third green law:
So, we cannot just go with user friendly products
and according to our convenience, which may result
in disasters.
Newton’s law misunderstood:

Our life is based on cause and effect. We all believe in Newton’s

laws. But this is half true.

One side we are destroying nature and other side trying to practice
green technology. Is this the law means?

I really don’t understand where we stand. No doubt this is looking like

a dumb people’s game.

Why we are putting fire on one side and sprinkling water on other
side. It is like building a house in day and demolishing at night.
Fourth green law:
virus and antivirus cannot work together.
Look at nature and man. Nature is still flowering for man and man
is busy in cutting the trees.

We like parrots to be in a cage even though cage and parrot has

no relation between each other.

Fish should live in river not in aquarium. Who is going to tell this
stupid man to understand that he is doing a big mistake?
Fifth green law: nature is already green, no need to
make it green…
Nature Is Everyone's Property And No Ones Business:

If god again creates the planet he won’t do the same mistake of

creating man again.
What Made Man Irresponsible?

I know habits die hard, but they certainly die. People like giving
advices instead of practicing.

We earn a lot in selling advices rather doing. That’s why today's
world is full of advisers, what we actually call them as consultant.

We have design consultants, health consultants. To find a house

there is a consultant. To make the law or break we have consultants.
Do we have consultant for the waste?

Do we have consultant who can educate man?

Sixth green law:

We can learn responsibility but cannot be taught…

NOW, my effort starts with me… I have three questions in my

to make green ?
to become green ?
to be green ?

These should be our objectives…

there is every possibilities of making things green but we
fail because our approach is not natural
and there are possibilities of becoming green, but this is
unfair. Green should be inborn.
Seventh green law:

we cannot design green home instead protect green.

There is lot of difference in implementing green practices and
implementing natural practices.

 “Every fan should be a show piece and every bulb should

become night moon”This should be the designer’s view in designing
a sustainable home.
Thank you

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