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1. Building Security: The door to the trademan’s alley seems to be left open on
a fairly regular basis. Sunset Scavenger services the building once a week via
the alley. Any other time, if the door is not properly closed, it is the result of a
fellow tenant not having secured the door behind them. For those of you on the
second and third floors, this also applies to the common entry door. For the
safety of everyone, let’s be more cognizant of closing the doors behind us.

2. Lighting: It appears that people have been removing light bulbs, disabling
fixtures and modifying the lighting around the building. This is a serious safety
and security concern as well as a serious violation of one’s lease. I have been
made aware that there have been requests from neighbors and other tenants to
cut down on the light footprint of the building but this cannot trump the building
codes and regulations of the City of San Francisco as well as the property’s
insurance requirements. Keep in mind that we cannot have darkened alleys,
hallways or stairs. Also, only non-incandescent bulbs can be used in these

3. Roof Access: There is absolutely no roof access. This is only an emergency

exit and it strictly prohibited under the current insurance policy.

4. Personal Storage: There is no personal storage allowed in any of the

common areas, in the stairwells, under the stairs or in the garage (unless
specified in the lease).

5. Furnace Closets: Per San Francisco fire regulations, nothing is to be stored

in the furnace closets of units 2, 3, 4 and 5. Only non-incandescent bulbs may
be used in these closets.



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