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Business plan of litchi juice


ISHAN Foods Pvt Ltd was started in 2019, by visionaries and highly qualified professionals from ISHAN family
having wide experience in the field of development, agriculture sector and Marketing sector. We are as an SSI
company focused on FMCG sector with our unique tasty fruit based products. We Manufacture and market
traditional and seasonal Fruit Juice.

IFPL focuses on mobilizing and organizing informal and fragmented fruit sector  (resource Fruit growers, Fruit
vendors, and farm laborers) of UP. The goal of the foundation is to create opportunities of gainful and
dignified self-employment for the families dependent on agriculture sector, especially disadvantaged sections
(Farmers, farm labourers, agriculture produce vendors and many others), ensuring sustainable livelihood,
enriched environment, improved quality of life and good human values with the help of our management skill.

We purchase fresh fruits from all Indian states direct from farmers and from good vendors, Manufacture juice,
package all products in different sized packets and then distribute to retailers and distributor.

Our Unique Product is Today’s Juice this product is as fresh as your own juicer made juice, we make this juice
from fruits taken direct from tree/plant and after proper washing start manufacturing same and send to
maker within 6 hours.

IFPL is getting overwhelming response from farmers ,vegetable vendors and customers. The number of
farmers and vendors associated with the organization has increased to 3,000 and 600 respectively. This
number is growing exponentially with increasing awareness level.


Increasing income and generating employment at the grass root level

Equitable and holistic development


“Fresh Khao Fresh Pio Fresh Raho”

“Eat Fresh
Drink Fresh
Feel Fresh”

The goal of the company is to create opportunities of gainful and dignified employment for the families
dependent on agriculture sector, especially disadvantaged sections (Farmers, farm labourers, agriculture
produce vendors and many others), ensuring sustainable livelihood, enriched environment, improved quality
of life and good human values with IFPL power

 Professionalizing the informal trade channel of fresh vegetables and creating gainful, dignified self-
employment for the families dependent on agriculture sector.


 Organizing and professionalizing small and marginal farmers  towards market oriented farming
 Organizing and professionalizing street vendors and linking them to the main stream of the society
 Empower street vendors, small retailers and growers and Connecting them to mainstream market
 Generate livelihood opportunities, creating market space
 capture 70% fruit juice market of india in next 5 years..


 Maintain in positive, strong growth annually.

 Decrease the customer dissatisfaction simultaneously.
 A double to triple growth for the first five year.
 Maintain a significant research and development budget to enhance future product development.
 Increase profitability
 Provide quality, fresh and hygienic fruit & vegetable juice at a reasonable price to the customers
 Provide broad range of social security and financial services to vendors and growers

The firm is going to start the operation to fulfill the need of the market segment where litchi product
does not reach easily. There is some product of litchi already existing in the market but the fact is that
the competition is not so stiff in this segment. Another fact is that the products which already exist in
the market have a high rate.

producing 3,000 liters of fruit juice a week, to a progressive processing and distribution network
employing over 14 staff, supporting a network of 12 vendors and processing in excess of 30,000 liters
of fruit juice per week. The plant has producing capacity of 60,000 liters per week with extension
capacity 100,000 liters per week. 

The future of industry is very bright as everyone expecting from the trend prevailing in the market.
The demand of this type of soft drink is arising as compared to the other drink available in the market.
The people are coming more and more toward the energy drink not only to get there selves fresh but
also to regain the energy of the body which they loss during the everyday course of work.
One weakness which we have is that we are new entrant in the industry as well we do not have such
financial resources as the other competitors have. The advantage which we have over the competitor
is that we are belonging to same geographical area where the place k known for the production of matter that the financial resources are few but the extensive marketing strategy can be
lunched because of the small geographical area.

Product Lists

Orange Juice 
Available in Packing of 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 and 2 Ltrs. 

Carrot Juice 
Available in Packing of 500 ml, 1 and 2 Ltrs. 

Water Melon Juice 

Available in Packing of 500 ml, 1 and 2 Ltrs. 

Sweet Melon Juice 

Available in Packing of 500 ml, 1 and 2 Ltrs. 

Grape Fruit Juice 

Available in Packing of 500 ml, 1 and 2 Ltrs. 

Pineapple Fruit Juice 

Available in Packing of 500 ml, 1 and 2 Ltrs. 

Kiwi Juice 
Available in Packing of 500 ml, 1 and 2 Ltrs. 

Lemon Juice 
Available in Packing 1 and 2 Ltrs. 

Mango Juice 
Available in Packing of 1 and 2 Ltrs. 

Strawberry Juice 
Available in Packing of 1 and 2 Ltrs. 
Pomegranate Juice 
Available in Packing of 1 and 2 Ltrs. 

Guava Juice 
Available in Packing 1 and 2 Ltrs. 

Papaya Juice 
Available in Packing of 1 and 2 Ltrs.

Cocktail Juice 
Available in Packing of 1 and 2 Ltrs.

Apple Juice 
Available in Packing of 1 and 2 Ltrs. 


IFPL JUICE 's fresh fruit juices are a wonderful source of nutrition, both for healthy people as well as for those
who are ill, and you will experience some of the most delightful flavors you could ever imagine! Fruit juices
contain nutrients that are in a form that need no digestion so they are ready for immediate absorption and
assimilation into the body.

Our specifications also require that our sellers handle the fruit with care so that it arrives at the plant as fresh
as possible and undamaged. Based on seasonal quality, IFPL Juice gets its fruit from stock keepers and with
great care, we blend the juice to ensure the product is the best . In this way, we never use concentrate, sugar
or heat treated juices to meet the expectations of today's health conscious customers.


We have established procedures under direction of DUBAI MUNICIPALITY. Firstly we inspect all fruit that
arrives into our factory for damage or contamination. We then chill our fruits immediately to ensure the
vitamin and flavor are maintained  after squeezing. Prior to squeezing, we wash the fruit with a neutral
detergent, then carefully hand sort it. The fruit is then sanitized and rinsed. Only after all this preparation is
the fruit ready for squeezing.

Our sophisticated automatic machine takes care of the squeezing process. It is provided with automatic
feeder, cutter, squeezer, orange juice container

Target market:
 teenagers
 adults
 also late 50’s


Competition is forming its own market with the unique concept of providing energy drink with fruit
flavor and original vitamin without the effect of any harmful chemical.
There are several other competitors who are providing energy drink but we are specially focusing on
healthy energy drink with original fruit content with low caffeine margin.

Stages of production
1. reception
2. crushing
3. maceration
4. alkalinisation
5. filtration
6. acidification

Designing and packaging should be attractive and perfect because they gear the product and
We focus on the cities of Bihar including small shops of rural areas.
Main supplier
Different supplier in beverage sector in Bihar.
Marketing distribution channel
We used indirect marketing distribution channel in which only retailer are involved. Retailer
buys the product and sells the product directly to the final consumer for their personal and
Some of the major retailers are:
 super market
 departmental store
 food and beverage store
 convenience store

As we provide high quality and fashionable product at a lower price,it allow to position
ourselves as one of the best quality.
Purchase price retailer of 1 can is RS.30

A $4.4 billion market in decline

Sales of fruit-flavored juice drinks declined 9% between 2001 and 2006. In constant 2006 prices (i.e.
removing the effects of inflation) this represents a fall of 20%. Channels included are supermarkets,
drugstores, convenience stores, and mass merchandisers excluding Wal-Mart. However, Mintel
estimates Wal-Mart sales at 12-15% of the market, which places the total market size at $5.0-5.2
billion. A number of factors are blamed for the decline: the obesity epidemic, both among children
and among adults, has led consumers to seek less calorie-dense alternatives such as bottled water.
The “boredom factor” has led other consumers, especially teens and young adults, to try new
beverage types such as energy drinks and sports drinks, and they are not anxious to return to fruit-
flavored juice drinks. Convenience has led to some declines, especially in products that need to be
mixed with water. As well, a growing interest in natural and organic products has led to declines in
fruit-flavored drinks that contain artificial colors and flavorings.

Children and teens are a prime market

Many of the fruit-flavored juice drinks on the market are aimed at children and teens. The products
are not only given enticing flavors, but wild colors as well, in an effort to encourage youngsters to
enjoy them. Logos and licensed characters that loom large in the kids’ cartoon pantheon are also
promoted by such brands as Kool-Aid and Hi-C.

The population of children aged 6-12 declined by almost 5% between 2001 and 2006, a factor that
likely contributed, at least in part, to the decline in sales of juice drinks during the report period. The
teen population, on the other hand, increased by 5%, driving growth in the segments such as sports
and energy drinks, but having little effect on juice drink sales.

Health and wellness issues plague industry

Obesity is the major health issue that affects the fruit-flavored juice drink market, especially childhood
obesity, which remains at epidemic proportions among the U.S. population. By voluntarily curtailing
their advertising of certain products to children, Kraft Foods has won the good will of parents, but the
company will have to reformulate its products for kids (less sugar and fewer artificial ingredients) if
they want to win the purchasing power of the parents as well.


More than 30% of Indian adults aged 20 and older are overweight or obese, according to CDC data.
Many underlying factors have been linked to the increase in obesity, such as increasing portion sizes;
eating out more often; and increased consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks.
Market Size and Trends
Market Trends
Focus on the bright side: lemonade

While the fruit-flavored juice drink market has generally been a category marked by shrinking sales,
driven in part by issues of health and wellness for children and adults, one segment—lemonade—has
seenits growth increase. Sales of lemonade (frozen, refrigerated, and shelf-stable) increased 26%
between 2001 and 2009, or 10% in constant 2009 prices.

Lemonade is a “chameleon-like” product that is categorized as a juice drink (because it does not
contain enough lemon juice to allow in to be called “juice”), but one that has evolved into a more
healthful product than a typical juice drink through the introduction of natural and organic versions.
While other juice drinks rely on artificial flavorings and colorings, most lemonade products do not use
such additives and rely on basic ingredients (lemon, water, and sugar or other sweeteners).

The Consumer

In households that use other fruit juices/drinks, there are some notable differences in packaging by
race/Hispanic origin of respondent. Black respondents, for example, are more likely than average to use
bottles, cartons, and cans, while Asian/Pacific Islander respondents are more likely to use plastic containers
and cartons and Hispanics are more likely to use cartons. Generally speaking, it is far more likely that people
will choose a drink based on flavor and price before they choose a drink based on its packaging. However,
there are certain packaging “musts”—a resealable container is needed for people on the move, for example.

Households with children and that use fruit juices/drinks are more likely than average to use paper
box/foil packaging than average. This is because many of the “kid-friendly” juices and juice drinks are
packaged in this form in order to fit small children’s hands and in order to be included in lunch boxes.

We will promote our product by using different communication channel.
Communication channel
 t.v.campagin
 local newspaper
 ads
Common Questions by consumer

Is IFPL Juice is natural ? 

JUICES are made out of 100% natural and fresh fruits and not pasteurizedJUICES are made out of 100%
natural and fresh fruits and not pasteurized.

How many days it will be kept in shelf? 

IFPL JUICE have Refrigerated shelf life of three days.

Is the IFPL Juice are tasty? 

Independent tasting confirmed IFPL JUICE are the most preferred tasting juice tried. 

How IFPL Juice are processed and distributed ? 

IFPL JUICE are processed daily in Dubai, delivered within 24 Hours lead time. And it is the only fresh
based juice which is squeezed daily all year around.

Is IFPL Juice are approved by Government ? 

YES is approved by the Food Control Section of Health Department in Dubai Municipality. And the
bottle is designed to maintain Vitamin levels. 

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