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University of the Humanities


Approved by ………………………Zegiimaa.Ch, Head of Graduate school

Instructor: Dolgorsuren J tel: 9906 8387


1. Subject: English Grammar for first year students

2. Credit hours: 2
3. Total hours: 60
4. Duration: 1st Semester
5. Target group: Two years’ Intensive Bachelor degree course
6. Aims and objectives:

The grammar lesson is designed to lay out the Upstream

Pre- intermediate and Grammarway 3 for development of
students’ English grammar. Upstream Pre- intermediate and
Grammarway 3 is the third in a four level series for learners of
the English language at Pre- intermediate level, can be used for
self study or in the classroom and to help learner understand
English grammar structures through comprehensive theory labels
and functional examples, accompanied by a wealth of
illustrations. And allows them to practice through a variety of
enjoyable and useful activities. The Grammar provides the
students with extensive, systematic and well-integrated practice.

7. Assessment of learning:

At the end of the each semester, students will be assessed as individuals to

show what they have learned throughout the semester Assessment of the
subject will consist following:

 Attendance and participation, homework -20%

 Self-study work -20%
 Tests of topics -15%
 Midterm exam -15%
 Final exam -30%
Total score -100%
8. Classroom rules
 Be on time in the class
 Do your homework and give it teacher to check
 Do not use cellar phone in the class
 Participate actively in the lesson.
 Take notes during the lesson
 Study yourselves as much as possible

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