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As One of the Conditions to Fulfill

Introduction to Research Course Assignments

By :





All praise and thanks are due to the presence of God Almighty, because of

His mercy and grace the author was able to compile and complete this mini

research properly. The purpose of writing this research is one of the requirements

to fulfill the value of Independent Assignments in the Introduction to Research

Course, English Study Program at the Off Main Campus Study Program at the

University of Pattimura with the title "Observation Report" .

The author realizes that in writing this research, there are still many

weaknesses and shortcomings caused by the limited knowledge and experience of

the author. However, with the many parties who provide assistance and support,

so that the author can complete this research.

Finally, the writer realizes that this research is far from perfect, therefore

the writer really expects and needs suggestions, opinions and constructive

criticism from all parties as the completion of this research.

Tiakur, November 2021

Anna Prilia Silueta


PREFACE ................................................................................................................ i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ ii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 1
A. Backround … ............................................................................................ 1
B. Problem Statement. ................................................................................... 1
C. Goals. ........................................................................................................ 1
CHAPTER 2 CONDUCTING OBSERVATION .................................................. 3
A. Place and Time of Observation … ............................................................ 3
B. Subject of Observation. ............................................................................. 3
C. Techniques of Collecting Data. ................................................................ 3
CHAPTER 3 RESULT .......................................................................................... 4
A. Teacher Observation Results … ............................................................... 4
B. Students Observation Results. .................................................................. 5
CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION ................................................................................ 6
A. Conclusion … ........................................................................................... 6
B. Suggestion. ................................................................................................ 6



A. Backround

Observation is an activity that is very important in knowing how to

teach well. In this case, I am a student in the English study program who
made observations at SMPN 2 Tiakur, to fulfill the task in the form of a
learning observation report in class, especially in English subjects in class
VIII (eighth) grade. The report on the results of this observation was prepared
to fulfill the assignment for the Introduction to Research course.
With this observation, it is hoped that we can find out how a teacher
teaches a lesson (English subjects). Then we as prospective teachers can of
course choose which ones are good and which are not good to be taught to
our students when they teach later.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the background of the problems above, the following

problems are formulated:
1) How is the process of learning English in VIII (eighth) grade of SMPN
2 Tiakur.
2) Have the students mastered vocabulary well? so that the four aspects
(writing, reading, listening, speaking) can run optimally in the learning
3) Does the English teacher in VIII (eighth) grade have an interesting and
easy-to-understand vocabulary learning method?

C. Goals

Based on the problem statement above, the goals of this observation

report are as follows:

1) How is the process of learning English in VIII (eighth) grade of SMPN
2 Tiakur.
2) Have the students mastered vocabulary well? so that the four aspects
(writing, reading, listening, speaking) can run optimally in the learning
3) Does the English teacher in VIII (eighth) grade have an interesting and
easy-to-understand vocabulary learning method?



A. Place and Time of Observation

Saturday, November 13rd, 2021 / 08.00-10.00 pm at the VIII ( eighth
grade ) of SMPN 2 Tiakur.

B. Subject of Observation
The Students of eighth grade at SMPN 2 Tiakur

C. Techniques of Colleting Data

The techniques of colleting data are used in the preparation of this
observation report are: Observation, Observation non partisipants.


School’s name : SMPN 2 TIAKUR

Study : English

Class : VIII (eighth)

Material : Plural and Singular ( There are and There is )

Teacher : Mrs. Angel,. S.Pd

A. Teacher’s observation results:

1. Opening Learning
• The teacher greets the students in a polite manner.
• Ask students how they are doing
• Prayer led by a student
• Check student attendance list
• Inform the competencies to be achieved through the focus of the
2. While Learning
• Teacher distributes plural and singular material in the form of
student worksheets to all students
• Ask students to pay attention to the material on the sheet of paper
that has been distributed
• Teacher explains the plural and singular material in front of the
• Students are asked to work on questions number 1 to 5 about there
are which means plural, and there is which means singular, which
is written on the sheet of paper that has been distributed, with a
time of 20 minutes

• Teacher monitors/supervises the learning process, to prevent
students from doing other activities.
• Teacher gives appreciation or praise for students who are able to
answer these questions.
3. Ending Learning
• The teacher provides opportunities for students to ask questions
and express opinions, suggestions or criticisms
• Teacher asks students' difficulties
• The teacher concludes the material
• The teacher conveys the lesson plan for the next meeting
• The teaching and learning process ends with a prayer led by a
B. Students’s observation results :
1. Opening Learning
• Students respond to the teacher's greetings and questions with
polite speech, respond when the teacher checks the student
attendance list and focus on when the teacher conveys the
competencies to be achieved.
2. While Learning
• Students focus on when the teacher delivers the material, students
work on the questions given well, tend to be noisy when working
on questions, respond to teacher awards when they are successful
and not successful.
3. Ending Learning
• Do not respond/ask about the difficulties they are experiencing,
together with the teacher conclude the material, a student
representative to pray before the class ends.



A. Conclusion

In general, observation activities in class are very useful activities,

because with observation, direct data about the specific behavior of the object
is recorded immediately and is not based on a person's memory. Data can be
obtained from the subject either through verbal or non-verbal communication.
The object of research who is always busy prefers to be researched
through observation rather than being given a questionnaire or interview.

B. Suggestion

The teacher has taught very well and maximally, but there are still a
lack of learning methods that attract students' interest in learning and are easy
to understand, so students tend to get bored quickly and slowly in
understanding the material given, the lack of vocabulary also greatly affects
students in reading, writing, listening and speaking fluently.



Ismiyati, Warda Latifa and Saputri, Tiyas. 2018. Improving Student Vocabulary

Mastery Through Word Walls Strategy to The Eight Grade Of SMP

Swasta Karya Bhakti Medan. Journal Education and Learning Vol. II/No.

Ismiyati, Warda Latifa and Saputri, Tiyas. 2020. Using Word Wall To Improve

English Vocabulary. Journal Education and Learning Vol. XII/No.

Ismiyati, Warda Latifa and Saputri, Tiyas. 2020. A Comparative Study Between

Word Wall And Flash Card to Increase Students Vocabulary Of VII Grade

Students At SMP Negeri 5 Tolitoli. Journal Education and Learning Vol.


Ismiyati, Warda Latifa and Saputri, Tiyas. 2020. The Effectiveness Between

Discovery Learning and Word Wall Methods in Improving Vocabulary

Seventh Grade Students. Journal Education and Learning Vol. III/No.

Utari, Sry, Syafitri, Dewi and Seli, Satika. 2020. Teaching Vocabulary using

Word Wall Media. Journal English Education, Linguistic and Art Vol.


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