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*All moving objects have inertia

In this lab, you will be measuring the distance that a toy car travels after going
down ramps. You will need: toy cars of different masses, a ramp, and measuring tape.
One at a time, set each car down the ramp. Record the distance the car travels after it
reaches the bottom of the ramp.

Inertia is the resistance to changes in motion. Inertia is proportional to mass.

Big masses resist changing their motion more than smaller masses.

A large train resists changing its motion.Since the train is so huge, it is difficult
to change its speed. In fact, a large net force is required to change its speed or

A small baby carriage has very little resistance to changes in motion.Since the
baby carriage is so small, it is very easy to change its speed or direction. A small net
force is required to change its speed or direction.

What is the difference between inertia and momentum, you may ask? Inertia is
proportional to mass. It is a measure of the resistance to changes in
velocity.Momentum is mass times velocity.

Inertia is a property of mass and cannot change. Momentum changes as an

object changes its velocity.

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