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Part 1(09.11.10)

We have covered how to write dialogues for students.It must include dramatic
action because we are alive and it must be something within life.We should
not name the characters like a or b.Also each characters has behaving and
speaking that peculiar to themselves.When writing a dialogue our language
should be based on oral text as if we were speaking at this dialogue.Its
language must be clear and not long since we do not speak like prof. at real
life.After that we have discussed the benefits of dialogues to the students while
we are teaching English to them.It has lots of benefits to the learners which is
either linguistic or non-linguistic.The learners acquire all skills that are required
while acquiring language such as writing,listening,speaking,pronunciation.They
learn grammar and vocabulary non consciously because of the relaxed
atmosphere.In addition to them thank to dialogues learners acquire the daily
language of English and it is easy to teach them chunks and mixed expression
under the dialogues.To sum up dialogues helps both teachers and learners
because of having variety of benefits to them.After that discussion we started
to write dialogue with groups.Then time was up and the lesson was over.

Part 2(10.11.2010)

We continued to writing dialogues at first hour.We acted dialogues that we

had written one by one.While acting there was something that we should
care.For example we must act our play in front of the audiences and we must
be careful not to show our back they must see our faces.I think when we
become teacher we also should not turn back to the learners.They have rights
to see our faces.

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