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c   p

The P    describes the path from mouth to anus in which energy and useful nutrients
are removed from food, transferred to the body, and undigestible material is eventually expelled.
Its components are:

The mouth, where food is masticated by the teeth, mixed with saliva and swallowed.

The esophagus, a muscular tube which transfers food from the mouth to the stomach.

The stomach, which excretes a powerful acid (stronger than the hydrochloric acid typically found
in laboratories) which denatures and partially dissolves the swallowed food. Water and simple
sugars can be extracted at this point.

The duodenum and small intestine, where alkaline materials, enzymes and gut bacteria are
added to the food to continue digestion. The cells of the small intestine can absorb the nutrients
released at this point, as well as most of the rest of the water in the food.

The large intestine, where food is restored to a less alkaline state for passage, and any other
available nutrients and water is absorbed.

Finally, the rectum, where stool or feces are stored until they can be expelled through the anus.



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