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 $ are nanoparticles which create a tube-like
structure from silicon atoms. The nanotubes discovery has many significant
implications for electronics development, as silicon is already a vastly important
material in the semiconductor industry. Only recently has it been possible to
prepare these nanotubes which are similar to carbon nanotubes.

The nanotubes are created using a reactor employing an electric arc

without the use of any catalyst. To ensure purity, the reactor was evacuated and
filled with the nonreactive noble gas argon. The actual formation of the
nanotubes relies on the process of chemical vapor deposition.

While silicon nanotubes are still in the early stages of their

development, scientists and engineers have already begun to consider the
possible uses for the new material.

Silicon nanotubes have been considered for use in electronics, because

it appears that silicon nano-materials may behave like a metal fuel, since the
structure can accommodate molecules of hydrogen so it might resemble coal
without the CO2. The most profound application of silicon nanotubes has been
their possible use in lithium-ion batteries.


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